05-10-2017, 00:09
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
The Dachau liberation reprisals: Upon the liberation of Dachau concentration camp, about a dozen guards in the camp were shot by a machine gunner who was guarding them. Other soldiers of the 3rd Battalion, 157th Infantry Regiment, of the US 45th (Thunderbird) Division killed other guards who resisted. In all, about 30 were killed, according to the commanding officer Felix L. Sparks.[21][22] Later, Colonel Howard Buechner wrote that more than 500 were killed.[23][24]
Il tizio che ho postato qualche pagina indietro quindi molto probabilmente rientra tra questi, anche questo crimine commesso dagli americani anche se è difficile considerare un crimine sparare a una Waffen SS, bisogna proprio forzare la logica sull'emozione.
Ultima modifica di Svers0; 05-10-2017 a 00:11.
05-10-2017, 00:14
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
Secret wartime files made public only in 2006 reveal that American GIs committed 400 sexual offenses in Europe, including 126 rapes in England, between 1942 and 1945.[29] A study by Robert J. Lilly estimates that a total of 14,000 civilian women in England, France and Germany were raped by American GIs during World War II.[30][31] It is estimated that there were around 3,500 rapes by American servicemen in France between June 1944 and the end of the war and one historian has claimed that sexual violence against women in liberated France was common.[32]
Poi gli americani che stuprano le inglesi e le francesi che erano loro alleate sono il massimo.
05-10-2017, 00:18
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
French Moroccan troops of the French Expeditionary Corps, known as Goumiers, committed mass crimes in Italy during and after the Battle of Monte Cassino[35] and in Germany.[36] According to Italian sources, more than 12,000 civilians, above all young and old women, children, were kidnapped, raped, or killed by Goumiers.[37] This is featured in the Italian film La Ciociara (Two Women) with Sophia Loren.
Ma allora era un vizio comune, ora che ci penso avevo letto che l'essere sempre in combattimento alza di molto i livelli di testosterone, l'ormone del desiderio sessuale bruto.
05-10-2017, 00:19
Qui dal: Jan 1970
Messaggi: 0
Dubito che molti soldati tedeschi e russi ne sapessero granché di nazismo e comunismo. Si ammazzavano come bestie, benchè su entrambi fronti ci fossero grandi persone. Alla fine a scuola si parla dei crimini nazisti perché loro hanno perso la guerra, altrimenti ce ne sarebbe da dirne sugli americani; per esempio esistono i comunicati scritti di Eisenhower (futuro presidente USA) che ordinava di torturare i nazisti rinchiusi nei campi di prigionia imbastendo fuori dalle recinzioni montagne di cibo, a cui bisognava poi dare fuoco mentre i prigionieri morivano di fame. (vedasi il libro Other losses di James Bacque)
i gulaaa4444gg!11!!
Ah poi ho letto che gli americani andavano matti per le francesi, infatti molti si divertivano a stuprarle e a spararle in testa al momento del coito.
05-10-2017, 00:21
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
The Maquis also executed 17 German prisoners of war at Saint-Julien-de-Crempse (in the Dordogne region), on 10 September 1944, 14 of whom have since been positively identified. The murders were revenge killings for German murders of 17 local inhabitants of the village of St. Julien on 3 August 1944, which were themselves reprisal killings in response to Resistance activity in the St. Julien region, which was home to an active Maquis cell.[34]
Sembra tipo una guerra di mafia qui.
05-10-2017, 00:23
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
Originariamente inviata da Gummo98
Dubito che molti soldati tedeschi e russi ne sapessero granché di nazismo e comunismo. Si ammazzavano come bestie, benchè su entrambi fronti ci fossero grandi persone. Alla fine a scuola si parla dei crimini nazisti perché loro hanno perso la guerra, altrimenti ce ne sarebbe da dirne sugli americani; per esempio esistono i comunicati scritti di Eisenhower (futuro presidente USA) che ordinava di torturare i nazisti rinchiusi nei campi di prigionia imbastendo fuori dalle recinzioni montagne di cibo, a cui bisognava poi dare fuoco mentre i prigionieri morivano di fame. (vedasi il libro Other losses di James Bacque)
i gulaaa4444gg!11!!
Ah poi ho letto che gli americani andavano matti per le francesi, infatti molti si divertivano a stuprarle e a spararle in testa al momento del coito.
Ecco perchè si dice cumshot.
Ok, sono un mostro.
05-10-2017, 00:31
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
The Soviet Union had not signed the Geneva Convention of 1929 that protected, and stated how prisoners of war should be treated. This cast doubt on whether the Soviet treatment of Axis prisoners was therefore a war crime, although prisoners "were [not] treated even remotely in accordance with the Geneva Convention",[58] resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands.[59][unreliable source?] However, the Nuremberg Tribunal rejected this as a general argument. The tribunal held that the Hague Conventions (which the 1929 Geneva Convention did not replace but only augmented, and unlike the 1929 convention, were ones that the Russian Empire had ratified) and other customary laws of war, regarding the treatment of prisoners of war, were binding on all nations in a conflict whether they were signatories to the specific treaty or not.[60][61][62]
Ahahahaha, l'URSS non firmò la convenzione di Ginevra sul trattamento dei prigioneri di guerra quindi spedirli tutti nei gulag non fu crimine di guerra.
05-10-2017, 00:39
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
Acts of mass rape and other war crimes were committed by Soviet troops during the occupation of East Prussia (Danzig),[63][64][65][66] parts of Pomerania and Silesia, during the Battle of Berlin,[67] and during the Battle of Budapest.[citation needed]
Late in the war, Yugoslavia's communist partisans complained about the rapes and looting committed by the Soviet Army while traversing their country. Milovan Djilas later recalled Joseph Stalin's response,
″Does Djilas, who is himself a writer, not know what human suffering and the human heart are? Can't he understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometers through blood and fire and death has fun with a woman or takes some trifle?″[68]
Soviet war correspondent Natalya Gesse observed the Red Army in 1945: "The Russian soldiers were raping every German female from eight to eighty. It was an army of rapists". Polish women as well as Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian slave laborers were also mass raped by the Red Army. The Soviet war correspondent Vasily Grossman described: "Liberated Soviet girls quite often complain that our soldiers rape them".[69]
The Gegenmiao massacre of 1945; rapes and massacres conducted by the Soviet Army over half a group of 1,800 Japanese women and children who had taken refuge in the lamasery Gegenmiao/Koken-miao (葛根廟) during the Soviet invasion of Manchuria.[70]
Con la scusa di stuprare le nemiche i furboni approfittando del caos non negavano una botta anche alle connazionali o alle donne di paesi alleati, ovviamente come abbiamo già visto lo hanno fatto pure gli americani.
05-10-2017, 00:42
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
Allied soldiers in Pacific and Asian theatres sometimes killed Japanese soldiers who were attempting to surrender or after they had surrendered. A social historian of the Pacific War, John W. Dower, states that "by the final years of the war against Japan, a truly vicious cycle had developed in which the Japanese reluctance to surrender had meshed horrifically with Allied disinterest in taking prisoners".[71] Dower suggests that most Japanese personnel were told that they would be "killed or tortured" if they fell into Allied hands and, as a consequence, most of those faced with defeat on the battlefield fought to the death or committed suicide.[72] In addition, it was held to be shamefully disgraceful for a Japanese soldier to surrender, leading many to commit suicide or to fight to the death regardless of any beliefs concerning their possible treatment as POWs. In fact, the Japanese Field Service Code said that surrender was not permissible.[73]
Poi c'è il Pacifico dove si combatteva come nell'antichità senza possibilità di arrendersi che tanto il nemico ti uccideva lo stesso.
05-10-2017, 00:43
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
During the Burma Campaign, there are recorded instances of British troops removing gold teeth from dead Japanese troops and displaying Japanese skulls as trophies.[77]
A house of skulls in the jungle..
05-10-2017, 00:45
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
Some Allied soldiers collected Japanese body parts. The incidence of this by American personnel occurred on "a scale large enough to concern the Allied military authorities throughout the conflict and was widely reported and commented on in the American and Japanese wartime press".[96]
Qui siamo praticamente allo scalpo dei film western..
05-10-2017, 00:49
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
According to interviews carried out by the New York Times and published by them in 2000, multiple elderly people from an Okinawan village confessed that after the United States had won the Battle of Okinawa three armed marines kept coming to the village every week to force the villagers to gather all the local women, who were then carried off into the hills and raped. The article goes deeper into the matter and claims that the villagers' tale - true or not - is part of a 'dark, long-kept secret' the unraveling of which 'refocused attention on what historians say is one of the most widely ignored crimes of the war': "the widespread rape of Okinawan women by American servicemen".[100] Although Japanese reports of rape were largely ignored at the time, academic estimates have been that as many as 10,000 Okinawan women may have been raped. It has been claimed that the rape was so prevalent that most Okinawans over age 65 around the year 2000 either knew or had heard of a woman who was raped in the aftermath of the war. Military officials denied the mass rapings, and all surviving veterans refused the New York Times' request for an interview.[101]
Americani e sovietici fanno a gara a chi stupra di più, invece i nazisti mi pare proprio organizzarono dei bordelli nei paesi occupati dove le donne erano costrette a prostituirsi, i nazisti son sempre avanti quando si tratta di rendere un crimine un qualcosa di organizzato in ogni minimo dettaglio.
05-10-2017, 00:56
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
E ora scopriamo dalla percentuale di morti tra i prigionieri di guerra chi era il più cattivo di tutti:
According to James D. Morrow, "Death rates of POWs held is one measure of adherence to the standards of the treaties because substandard treatment leads to death of prisoners". The "democratic states generally provide good treatment of POWs".[106]
Held by Axis powers[edit]
US and British Commonwealth POWs held by Germany: ~4%[106]
Soviet POWs held by Germany: 57.5%[92]
Italian POWs and military internees held by Germany: between 6% and 8.4%[107]
Western Allied POWs held by Japan: 27%[108] (Figures for Japan may be misleading though, as sources indicate that either 10,800[109] or 19,000[110] of 35,756 fatalities among Allied POW's were from "friendly fire" at sea when their transport ships were sunk. Nonetheless, the Geneva convention required the labelling of such craft as POW ships, which the Japanese neglected to do.)
Held by the Allies[edit]
German POWs in East European (not including the Soviet Union) hands 32.9%[92]
German soldiers held by Soviet Union: 15–33% (14.7% in The Dictators by Richard Overy, 35.8% in Ferguson)[92]
Italian soldiers held by the Soviet Union: 79%[111]
Japanese POWs held by Soviet Union: 10%[citation needed]
German POWs in British hands 0.03%[92]
German POWs in American hands 0.15%[92]
German POWs in French hands 2.58%[92]
Japanese POWs held by U.S.: relatively low[clarification needed], mainly suicides according to James D. Morrow.[112]
Japanese POWs in Chinese hands: 24%[citation needed]
Novelist James Bacque claims an analysis of records supports a German POW death rate of over 25%,[113] although his figures have been disputed by academics,[who?] who describe Bacque's figures as "simply impossible".[114] A panel of historians concluded that Bacque is a Canadian novelist with no previous historical research or writing experience,[115] and his writing is "seriously — nay, spectacularly — flawed in its most fundamental aspects.".[116]
Oro per l'Unione Sovietica nei confronti dei prigionieri italiani, argento alla Germania nei confronti dei prigionieri sovietici e bronzo al Giappone nei confronti dei prigionieri in generale.
Ci sarebbero i paesi dell'Est Europa che tecnicamente battono il Giappone ma essendo più di un singolo paese non vale per il podio, come fa notare la parentesi il Giappone tra l'altro è stato aiutato scorrettamente dagli Alleati..
Sempre detto che l'URSS è la migliore, proprio contro i nostri poi.
Ultima modifica di Svers0; 05-10-2017 a 00:59.
05-10-2017, 01:03
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
Una rapida lettura a queste espulsioni di massa di tedeschi dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, li avranno espulsi per evitare che il prossimo Hitler si sarebbe inventato di territori con popolazione tedesca da annettere come lui aveva fatto con Austria, Sudeti e Danzica.
05-10-2017, 01:05
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
Basta così per oggi, leggere del lato peggiore dell'umanità devo dire che non aiuta il mio umore, meglio andare a dormire.
05-10-2017, 01:17
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
Bella sta foto, è molto famosa quella dei soldati tedeschi che nel 1939 sollevano la sbarra al confine polacco, qui invece soldati polacchi a costruire il nuovo confine nel 1945, da un senso di pace e ricostruzione questa foto devo dire.
05-10-2017, 01:24
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
Those who arrived were in bad condition—particularly during the harsh winter of 1945–46, when arriving trains carried "the dead and dying in each carriage (other dead had been thrown from the train along the way)".[241] After experiencing Red Army atrocities, Germans in the expulsion areas were subject to harsh punitive measures by Yugoslav partisans and in post-war Poland and Czechoslovakia.[242] Beatings, rapes and murders accompanied the expulsions.[241][242] Some had experienced massacres, such as the Ústí (Aussig) massacre, in which 80–100 ethnic Germans died, or Postoloprty massacre, or conditions like those in the Upper Silesian Camp Łambinowice (Lamsdorf), where interned Germans were exposed to sadistic practices and at least 1,000 died.[242] Many expellees had experienced hunger and disease, separation from family members, loss of civil rights and familiar environment, and sometimes internment and forced labour.[242]
Mettiamoci anche i crimini post guerra nei paesi comunisti contro i rifugiati tedeschi così Harold va a nanna felice e contento.
Da ricordare che queste sono iniezie rispetto i campi di sterminio nazisti.
05-10-2017, 01:37
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
Mi sto leggendo la storia degli espulsi e dei rifugiati tedeschi dopo la guerra e direi che i rifugiati siriani in confronto sono una cavolata, l'articolo cerca di far passare l'URSS come la cattiva che incoraggiava le espulsioni e le violenze contro i cittadini tedeschi nei paesi sotto la sua sfera d'influenza e nella sua zona di occupazione e che si rifiutava di rispettare gli accordi commerciali con gli americani che scambiavano macchine industriali prese dalla loro zona d'influenza in cambio di cibo e altre necessità di base per i rifugiati, mi pare un pochino di parte qui, addirittura dice che il governo sovietico incoraggiò i saccheggi nel proprio territorio, mi pare pura follia che un governo ordini una cosa del genere anche in un territorio occupato, sarà successo di sicuro ma non ce lo vedo Stalin a fare un decreto del genere.
05-10-2017, 01:44
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
With at least[262] 12 million[86][263][264] Germans directly involved, possibly 14 million[243][265] or more,[266] it was the largest movement or transfer of any single ethnic population in European history[264][267][268] and largest among the post-war expulsions in Central and Eastern Europe (which displaced more than 20 or 31 million people in total).[263]
The exact number of Germans expelled after the war is still unknown, because most recent research provides a combined estimate which includes those who were evacuated by the German authorities, fled or were killed during the war. It is estimated that between 12 and 14 million German citizens and foreign ethnic Germans and their descendants were displaced from their homes. The exact number of casualties is still unknown and is difficult to establish due to the chaotic nature of the last months of the war. Census figures placed the total number of ethnic Germans still living in Eastern Europe in 1950, after the major expulsions were complete, at approximately 2.6 million, about 12 percent of the pre-war total.[100]
The events have been usually classified as population transfer[269][270] or as ethnic cleansing.[271][272][273][274][275][276][277][278][279][280]
R.J. Rummel has classified these events as democide,[266] and a few scholars go as far as calling it a genocide.[281][282][283] Polish sociologist and philosopher Lech Nijakowski objects to the term "genocide" as inaccurate agitprop.[284]
The expulsions created major social disruptions in the receiving territories, which were tasked with providing housing and employment for millions of refugees. West Germany established a ministry dedicated to the problem, and several laws created a legal framework. The expellees established several organisations, some demanding compensation. Their grievances, while remaining controversial, were incorporated into public discourse.[285] During 1945 the British press aired concerns over the refugees' situation;[286] this was followed by limited discussion of the issue during the Cold War outside West Germany.[287] East Germany sought to avoid alienating the Soviet Union and its neighbours; the Polish and Czechoslovakian governments characterised the expulsions as "a just punishment for Nazi crimes".[285] Western analysts were inclined to see the Soviet Union and its satellites as a single entity, disregarding the national disputes that had preceded the Cold War.[288] The fall of the Soviet Union and the reunification of Germany opened the door to a renewed examination of the expulsions in both scholarly and political circles.[289] A factor in the ongoing nature of the dispute may be the relatively large proportion of German citizens who were among the expellees and/or their descendants, estimated at about 20% in 2000.[290]
Addirittura il più grande spostamento di popolazione della storia europea e considerato a tutti gli effetti un caso di pulizia etnica, e non se ne parla mai, proprio vero che la storia la scrivono i vincitori, ma col passare del tempo anche la seconda guerra mondiale verrà vista come oggi vengono viste le guerre napoleoniche o le guerre puniche e non la lotta del bene contro il male anche se la Germania nazista resta uno dei governi più malvagi della storia umana.
05-10-2017, 01:50
Qui dal: Jun 2014
Ubicazione: Via Lattea
Messaggi: 18,394
Originariamente inviata da Svers0
Addirittura il più grande spostamento di popolazione della storia europea e considerato a tutti gli effetti un caso di pulizia etnica, e non se ne parla mai, proprio vero che la storia la scrivono i vincitori, ma col passare del tempo anche la seconda guerra mondiale verrà vista come oggi vengono viste le guerre napoleoniche o le guerre puniche e non la lotta del bene contro il male anche se la Germania nazista resta uno dei governi più malvagi della storia umana. 
Come immaginavo, sono stati prima i nazisti ad espellere i polacchi dal loro territorio, puoi marciarci quanto vuoi sui crimini di guerra alleati caro Harold ma i nazisti rimangono sempre l'origine del male, quelli che fanno di tutto per scatenare la rissa diciamo.