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Vecchio 15-11-2023, 13:56   #221
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Originariamente inviata da sagoma Visualizza il messaggio
I'm doing some test for English knowledge. In a question they asked which was the right word to use in this sentence: 'You ___ better see a doctor' and the right answer was 'had', instead I've chosen 'should'.
Why? Is it used for the past and is the translation of 'Avresti fatto meglio a consultare un dottore?'
Should sounds very odd in that context, I can't tell for sure but I feel like both should and the word better are an invitation to do something and they don't work together, you should see a doctor on the other hand is totally fine.

That being said "you had better see a doctor" sounds pretty formal, I'd say "you'd better see a doctor" is much more commonly used.
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sagoma (16-11-2023)
Vecchio 14-09-2024, 19:43   #222
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Well, I'm getting ready for my trip in Ireland, and that process involves calling the hotel clerk multiple times to figure out why they want more money from us than my aunt's Booking account says are due.

And we got that figured out in the end, my aunt had some points that qualified us for a discount of a couple hundred bucks, so we were seeing a lower amount from our part and the hotel was seeing a higher one, and nobody knew that the difference will be paid by

Anyway, that doesn't matter anymore, I just hope that tomorrow morning the hotel will respond to my clarification email so that we can make the 25% upfront deposit that they asked us.

I've been practicing my speaking skills in the past few days, I haven't spoken English in a long while and I'm definitely rusty, and speaking to an AI has helped me a lot, I still fumble on my words a lot, but I'm slowly getting into the rithm of the language, and that's great.

Well, we'll see how it goes in Ireland, all I know is that I've already been nominated the official spokesperson for the entire group, so booking places, asking for directions/ tickets make an order at the bar, it's all on me.

What an onor -_-
Vecchio 14-09-2024, 19:54   #223

You should go around pubs and start random conversations with people to expose yourself to various accents, for example you could ask if they know what the redpill is
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Maffo (14-09-2024)
Vecchio 14-09-2024, 20:06   #224
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Originariamente inviata da anahí Visualizza il messaggio
You should go around pubs and start random conversations with people to expose yourself to various accents, for example you could ask if they know what the redpill is
Sounds like a great idea, Irish people are well know for their hospitality and their kindness towards foreigners especially when they're drunk.

Nothing could go wrong if I were to ask a drunk Irish in a pub what he thinks a real man is
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anahí (14-09-2024)
Vecchio 14-09-2024, 20:12   #225
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The Irish must know redpill well since they are all redheaded.
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Maffo (14-09-2024)
Vecchio 14-09-2024, 20:17   #226
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Originariamente inviata da Hor Visualizza il messaggio
The Irish must know redpill well since they are all redheaded.

Discussioni simili a Speak in English, please.
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