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Vecchio 04-10-2023, 23:56   #141
L'avatar di varykino

time to live, time to lie, time to laugh, time to die. take it easy baby. take it as it comes.
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 09:50   #142
L'avatar di Hor

I asked ChatGPT if China will ever become a democracy, but it (she?) answered that the question is too much complex for a A.I.
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 10:33   #143
L'avatar di Maffo

China will become a democracy in the future
Immagini allegate
Tipo di file: jpg Screenshot_20231005-102939.jpg‎ (20.3 KB, 8 visite)
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 11:09   #144
L'avatar di sagoma

I would like to ask moderation if imprecations against divinity is admitted if done in English. The lack of response will be interpreted as silence agreement (I dont' how to translate 'assenso'). Thanks
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 11:29   #145

Originariamente inviata da Hor Visualizza il messaggio
I asked ChatGPT if China will ever become a democracy, but it (she?) answered that the question is too much complex for a A.I.
Ask them about their eyes shape
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 11:35   #146

I asked chatgpt if he considered himself to be alpha or beta some time ago, I had to insist a lot (he kept saying it's an over simplification and he was an AI anyway, blabla). But then he said he thinks his behaviour would fall more within the definition of beta
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 11:36   #147

Originariamente inviata da anahí Visualizza il messaggio
I asked chatgpt if he considered himself to be alpha or beta some time ago, I had to insist a lot (he kept saying it's an over simplification and he was an AI anyway, blabla). But then he said he thinks his behaviour would fall more within the definition of beta
Ask him how much pounds is his 1RM bench press max.
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 11:47   #148
L'avatar di Maffo

Originariamente inviata da anahí Visualizza il messaggio
I asked chatgpt if he considered himself to be alpha or beta some time ago, I had to insist a lot (he kept saying it's an over simplification and he was an AI anyway, blabla). But then he said he thinks his behaviour would fall more within the definition of beta
That's some fake modesty
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 11:51   #149

Originariamente inviata da franz90 Visualizza il messaggio
Ask him how much pounds is his 1RM bench press max.
It's like talking to a wall...he keeps being evasive and saying that he doesn't have a physical form
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 12:06   #150

Originariamente inviata da anahí Visualizza il messaggio
It's like talking to a wall...he keeps being evasive and saying that he doesn't have a physical form
Definitely a beta.
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 12:18   #151

Originariamente inviata da sagoma Visualizza il messaggio
I would like to ask moderation if imprecations against divinity is admitted if done in English. The lack of response will be interpreted as silence agreement (I dont' how to translate 'assenso'). Thanks
as a silent agreement.
Ringraziamenti da
sagoma (06-10-2023)
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 12:41   #152

Originariamente inviata da Clover Visualizza il messaggio
I'm sorry, Mama
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to make you cry
But tonight I'm cleanin' out my closet
eminem <3

I didn't know you like rap
Ringraziamenti da
Clover (05-10-2023)
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 12:57   #153

Look, if you had, one shot, or one opportunity

To seize the best canthal tilt you ever wanted in just one moment

Would you capture it, or just let it slip?
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 13:08   #154

Originariamente inviata da franz90 Visualizza il messaggio
Look, if you had, one shot, or one opportunity

To seize the best canthal tilt you ever wanted in just one moment

Would you capture it, or just let it slip?
I still don't know if my canthal tilt is good or bad. Does that matter as a femoid?
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 13:13   #155

Good afternoon my dear phobics people, whats up?

Yesterday I started a new show on netflix called ''infamia''. It's set in poland and the main character is a gypsy girl who wants to become a rap artist and is at odd with her traditionalist family.
So far the soundtrack they made up for the series, the pace, the characters etc seems pretty good. I'm glad because I really have an hard time finding shows that I find enjoyable the older I get for some reason .

Beside that my researches seems to be going well, and while I'm going slow when it come to my final exams at least I'm going forward in a steady way.

Ultima modifica di CamillePreakers; 05-10-2023 a 16:25.
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 14:53   #156

I wish I was better at time management and discipline. I could have worked and studied at the same time (kept my old job as a babysitter) but I just could not do it. Either one or the other.
My life would be a lot easier.
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 14:58   #157

Originariamente inviata da CamillePreakers Visualizza il messaggio
I still don't know if my canthal tilt is good or bad. Does that matter as a femoid?
It absolutely matters.

We are for permasquint gender equity.
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 15:26   #158

It doesn't seem to be too positive or too negative. like an in between version.
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 15:36   #159
L'avatar di Maffo

Originariamente inviata da CamillePreakers Visualizza il messaggio
Good afternoon my dear phobics people, whats up?

Yesterday I started a new show on netflix called ''infamia''. It's set in poland and the main character is a gypsy girl who wants to become a rap artist and is at odd with his traditionalist family.
So far the soundtrack they made up for the series, the pace, the characters etc seems pretty good. I'm glad because I really have an hard time finding shows that I find enjoyable the older I get for some reason .

Beside that my researches seems to be going well, and while I'm going slow when it come to my final exams at least I'm going forward in a steady way.
Slow and steady wins the race
Vecchio 05-10-2023, 15:41   #160
L'avatar di Maffo

I think I made a couple of friends in the last few days, which is more than I was able to make in the last few years.

We'll see how it goes when I'll meet 'em in person, so far they seem pretty chill dudes, we'll see
Ringraziamenti da
CamillePreakers (05-10-2023)

Discussioni simili a Speak in English, please.
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Ansia da lingua straniera...Do you speak English? Vento_del_Sud Ansia e Stress Forum 21 29-05-2008 13:28

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