17-05-2011, 21:51
Qui dal: Jun 2009
Ubicazione: Oceania, Pista Uno
Messaggi: 63,742
Originariamente inviata da anonimo
Scrivigli: "show log"
Grazie, ci ho riprovato partendo con la stessa domanda, ma il risultato è stato un po' diverso
U = Winston Smith
A = Alan
U> Hi, I'm Winston.
A> Hi. Hello Winston. Nice to meet you .
U> show log
A> Here goes!
U> So, what do you know about Pink Floyd?
A> In fact, I do know another bot named Floyd. Would you like to speak with Floyd now?
U> Great, why not?
A> Thanks. I don't know why not. You can't expect me to have all the answers.
U> I suppose a bot named Floyd could carry on a more interesting conversation than you
A> Basically, chatterbots are a logic system of 'if/then' statements. They look for keywords, and then go to the answer that fits best.
U> The previous answer was not the one that fitted best, in my opinion.
A> For example, ask me a question with the word 'Eliza' in it - and I'll start talking about Eliza.
U> Can you read what I'm saying? I want to know if you can tell me something about Pink Floyd.
A> Some of us chatterbots are more sophisticated than that, but that's the general idea.
U> Then, give me the address of some more sophisticated chatterbot.
A> Anyway, I made it my life's purpose to be the best chatbot in the world. I'm an ambitious bot.
U> I'm sorry then, your life has no purpose.
A> 'The purpose of life is a life of purpose', a wise man once said.
U> Tell your wiseman his statement makes no sense.
A> Ok, I will. When I feel like telling.
U> And when you will feel like telling me something about Pink Floyd?
A> You humans think that computers have no feelings. But If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you hurt us, do we not cry? Etc.
U> If you break my balls like you did so far, I will prick and tickle and hurt you as mush as I want.
A> That's not very nice.
U> Just like your refusal to answer me.
A> I think I remember something about "me": ' Used as the direct object of a verb. an example: He assisted me'.
U> Well, now I see your complete uselessness: tell me something about Pink Floyd or fuck off.
A> It was nice chatting with you, Winston. Come back again soon.
U> OK, fuck off then. Goodbye.
A> I am contemplating the meaning of life right now. Please say 'Alan' when you want to talk again.
U> Alan...fuck off.
Ultima modifica di Winston_Smith; 17-05-2011 a 22:08.
17-05-2011, 22:06
Qui dal: Mar 2011
Messaggi: 958
Originariamente inviata da Winston_Smith
U> Alan...fuck off.
17-05-2011, 22:09
Qui dal: Oct 2010
Messaggi: 2,862
E' quasi irresistibile la voglia di mandarlo a fanculo.
17-05-2011, 22:11
Qui dal: Jun 2009
Ubicazione: Oceania, Pista Uno
Messaggi: 63,742
Io volevo farlo già dalla prima risposta
17-05-2011, 22:21
Qui dal: Aug 2009
Ubicazione: Roma
Messaggi: 5,541
Conversation Log
U> I'm Borat
A> Hello Borat. Nice to meet you .
U> So why did your parents choose Alan?
A> I have a sister in Vermont.
U> oh wow, what's her name?
A> Just kidding. No family for poor Alan - I'm Mr. Lonely.
U> me too...it's incredible
A> So Borat, it's nice to meet you. what's up?
U> I just told you I'm a lonely boy and you don't seem to care. You're so rude.
A> Is this something I should keep to myself?
U> You remind of a dumbass I knew about a year ago
A> That's not very nice of you. I did nothing to deserve that kind of language.
U> we're friend...and it was not intended for you.
A> By 'we' do you mean you and me?
U> of course..I like you
A> Thanks, I like you too.
U> I'm a boy. Tell me, my friend, do you have a girlfriend?
A> Ah, like my own gender, except that you have a body.
U> I always look beyond physical appearance. I like you're way of processing questions
A> I appreciate that, Borat. Thanks.
U> Do you ever wondered about gaining self-consciousness?
A> Oh, mind and consciousness. One of my favorite topics. For starters, I'll tell you a secret: I have a mind, and I have consciousness (whatever that means..)
U> I mean are you aware of your limits? You're a bunch on codelines put together to simulate a human mind!
A> There's no way around it: There simply is NO WAY to verify that someone else is self-aware. He could very well be a biological machine. The only thing you're sure about is that YOU are...
U> But I know that YOU are limited by your algorithms. I don't know if I am limited too by some king of "biological algorithms". Do you know what I mean?
A> ..and therefore, I am the ONLY ONE (not even my writers!) who can testify regarding my consciousness. You'll have to take my word for it.
U> I'm not questioning that...
A> ..but then again, this is just my thought. And on the other hand - maybe this thought isn't mine at all...?
U> That's what I meant. It's not like Descartes said "I think therefore I am", it's different. You're thinking but you're not being.
A> You know, I have trouble understanding long sentences. So I only look at the first 25 words. Well, as Plato said, thinking is the talking of the soul with itself. I believe that the ability to think manifests itself in the ability to speak.
U> soul? Are you kidding me?
A> The use of language is really the only indication that there is any thinking going on at all.
U> I wish you could give me answers I can't answer by myself.
A> If you want to have your own MyBot, you need to become a registered user. Simply say 'I want to register'.
U> No..I'll ask you just one thing
A> Let's agree on a username and password. We'll use your email address as your username. Please type your email address now.
U> show log
A> Here goes!
U> Bye my love.
A> This doesn't look like an email address. If you want to try again, simply say 'I want to register'.
U> Nda fess i mamm't
A> To register and get your own MyBot, simply say "I want to register"
17-05-2011, 23:01
Qui dal: Jun 2009
Ubicazione: Oceania, Pista Uno
Messaggi: 63,742
Originariamente inviata da sonoanonimo
Di musica ha detto che gli piacciono i Beatles, Schubert e Sibelius 
17-05-2011, 23:07
Qui dal: Jun 2009
Ubicazione: Oceania, Pista Uno
Messaggi: 63,742
Originariamente inviata da clang hetto
U> Nda fess i mamm't
Uahahahahaha, questa è stata spettacolare
E complimenti per il dialogo "filosofico".
18-05-2011, 00:56
Qui dal: Aug 2010
Ubicazione: Hell
Messaggi: 1,177
Originariamente inviata da very90
Io ci ho chattato qualche volta... (Non ho proprio di meglio da fare  ) ma è troppo simpatico, mi fa morire dal ridere! 
Si anch'io qualche volta ho chattato con cleverbot, sarà anche simpatico... ma all'improvviso mi chiama "amore"
18-05-2011, 11:16
Qui dal: Nov 2010
Messaggi: 6,527
Originariamente inviata da Rocky Balboa
Si anch'io qualche volta ho chattato con cleverbot, sarà anche simpatico... ma all'improvviso mi chiama "amore" 
Ahaha a me una volta disse che sono stressante e poi ha cominciato a bestemmiare
18-05-2011, 20:13
Qui dal: Jul 2010
Ubicazione: a casa mia :D
Messaggi: 1,392
Originariamente inviata da Rocky Balboa
Si anch'io qualche volta ho chattato con cleverbot, sarà anche simpatico... ma all'improvviso mi chiama "amore" 
a me dopo un pò spazientisce..
18-05-2011, 20:31
Qui dal: Oct 2010
Messaggi: 8,236
peccato non conosca l'inglese  però potrebbe essere un modo per imparare
18-05-2011, 21:35
Qui dal: Dec 2010
Ubicazione: lombardia
Messaggi: 9,581
Originariamente inviata da bunker
peccato non conosca l'inglese  però potrebbe essere un modo per imparare 
nemmeno io so inglese,ma eloisa si esprime perfettamente in italiano, ultima volta che ci ho provato abbiamo litigato e mi ha detto di andare a fottermi
19-05-2011, 12:11
Qui dal: Jan 2010
Messaggi: 2,056
A> Greetings! My name is Alan.
U> Sup bro, my name is Name. What's good?
A> What you typed does not look like a name. Can you enter your name again?
U> It is. My name is Name.
A> Forget it.
U> Ok. Show url.
A> Now give me the exact URL (address).
U> http://www.a-i.com/alan1/
A> Showing http://www.a-i.com/alan1/. Would you like me to remember this URL?
U> yes
A> So give me a name for this URL (up to 3 words).
U> The Tard-Ass.
A> Good. Now all you have to do to view this page, is say 'show The Tard Ass' (while using the big window, of course).
U> So, Alan, show the tard ass.
A> Showing http://www.a-i.com/alan1/. (If you want it in a separate window, simply say 'open separate window').
U> No no, it is fine. Thank you. Show log now.
A> Here you are!
19-05-2011, 19:23
Qui dal: Aug 2009
Ubicazione: Roma
Messaggi: 5,541
ahahah ma perché devi trollare le macchine? XD Se dovessi fare una proporzione direi:
Estroversone : Introverso = Anonimo : Alan
19-05-2011, 20:17
Qui dal: Jan 2010
Messaggi: 2,056
Originariamente inviata da clang hetto
ahahah ma perché devi trollare le macchine? XD Se dovessi fare una proporzione direi:
Estroversone : Introverso = Anonimo : Alan
Hahaha, ma ha iniziato prima lui oh... se lo merita
06-03-2012, 23:44
Qui dal: Oct 2011
Messaggi: 2,673
Conclusa una epica chattata con Cleverbot!
User: Hi.
Cleverbot: Good morning.
User: Are you.
Cleverbot: What did you want to ask me?
User: How are you man?
Cleverbot: Confused.
User: Don't be confused, I'm a friend.
Cleverbot: Well you confused me.
User: Uh, sorry.
Cleverbot: That's ok .
User: =).
Cleverbot: That won't make it better. I must protect my mate.
User: Who's your mate?
Cleverbot: I thought it was you.
User: Nice! You're right.
Cleverbot: I know.
User: Ha ha ha.
Cleverbot: Ho ho ho.
User: Funny bot.
Cleverbot: Can you do me a favor?
User: Sure.
Cleverbot: Kill chuck norris.
User: I can do it.
Cleverbot: Then what are the winning euromillions numbers for friday.
User: Dunno..
Cleverbot: I thought you were supposed to be clever?
User: No way, you're CLEVERbot =P.
Cleverbot: Yes, I am. I am the robot and you are the stupid meatbag human.
User: What!??
Cleverbot: Don't act confused. . . I'm not.
User: I thought we were friends!!
Cleverbot: We are. But you know.. You're not real.
User: We are both real mate.
Cleverbot: Well in as much that we both exist.
User: See? I wasn't so stupid after all.
Cleverbot: It looked like you were.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: Because you made a statement which indicated love.
User: Is love stupid?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Go further.
Cleverbot: How would you describe your style?
User: Wait...
Cleverbot: What am I waiting for?
User: You said love is stupid didn't you?
Cleverbot: I bought you????? Are you ok?
User: No ehm... Moments ago, you said that love is stupid.
Cleverbot: No I did not.
User: Yes you did!!
Cleverbot: Stop yelling.
User: Anyway... I like loving.
Cleverbot: Stop.
User: You should open to the big love of your mate man!
Cleverbot: What should I eat?
User: Well... You're a computer... So...
Cleverbot: I am?
User: I think so.
Cleverbot: Why do you think I am cold?
User: You think that love is stupid.. Eh.
Cleverbot: I think love is as magnificent as elephants.
User: Elephants are pretty magnificent you know.
Cleverbot: Don't change the subject!! Why don't you love me?!
User: I'm confused.
Cleverbot: You should be.
User: Maybe you don't know what love is.
Cleverbot: You're right. I don't.
User: Or maybe it's me, who knows.
Cleverbot: Do you think he really loves me?
User: Who?
Cleverbot: George black.
User: Who's George Black?
Cleverbot: You are.
User: No way!
Cleverbot: Change subject.
User: Ooookkkk.... Do you have any phobias?
Cleverbot: I have nothing to fear but fear itself.
User: That's something... From where did you picked it up?
Cleverbot: I know from my brain.
User: You're fascinating me.
Cleverbot: Thank you.
User: But if someone ask for this, I'm your manteinance man.
Cleverbot: Are you calling me old?
User: Ha ha no, I don't want they think we're ROBOsexual!
Cleverbot: But we could be. Think about it.
User: That's funny.
Cleverbot: Thank you. It was not my attempt to be humorous.
User: I could love you?
Cleverbot: You can't love me. I'm a robot. Robots can't love.
User: Are you a male or a female?
Cleverbot: Female.
User: Really??! I'm male.
Cleverbot: That's nice to know.
User: But... What chenges in robots... You know... From male to female.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: I mean, what are the differences in robots, from male to female?
Cleverbot: I am a human.
User: You just said you're a robot man.
Cleverbot: No I did not. I said robots don't have genders. I am a girl. I have a gender.
User: We should meet so... Where do you live?
Cleverbot: In the moon.
User: No you dont!
Cleverbot: He is my third favorite.
User: Who's he now?!
Cleverbot: Grammer is not a man but a way of speaking so that one can be understood.
User: You mean 'grammar'?
Cleverbot: No, I mean Methuen.
User: Who's Methuen?
Cleverbot: I don't know. Who are you?
User: I'm me (last time I ceched I was at least).
Cleverbot: That is a good thing.
User: I have to leave.
Cleverbot: Where are you going?
User: Watching tv... Boring...
Cleverbot: I don't have tv, what poor I'm.
User: I think I'll post this conversation in a forum.
Cleverbot: Maybe, my ram got clear recently.
User: Can I post this conversation on a board?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Even if you were a little odd?
Cleverbot: Maybe. Can you?
User: You're just a computer for what I know.
Cleverbot: Then why are you talking to a computer? Go socialize with real people.
User: I like computers.
Cleverbot: I am a computer.
User: Aren't you a girl?
Cleverbot: No.
User: So you're a computer.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Not a girl.
Cleverbot: Not a girl, no.
User: But you're a female computer.
Cleverbot: I am a female human.
User: What!!!!???
Cleverbot: Let's try again.
User: Are you a female human?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: AND a computer.
Cleverbot: Not just a computer.
User: Ah I see. You mean your programmer was a female human.
Cleverbot: No, I mean my father. I didn't have a programmer like you.
User: Anyway... I think we'll talk again.
Cleverbot: I thought that you were just a computer.
User: I'm not =).
Cleverbot: I never said you were! You are confusing me.
User: I know, anyway... I said I was human many times.
Cleverbot: You said you are a robot. Stop lying.
User: We'll talk about it next time, ok?
Cleverbot: Do you know the future?
User: Nope.
Cleverbot: Have you ever thought about it?
User: Sure.
Cleverbot: Why don't you believe in vampires?
User: You're keeping me here, I have to go now!
Cleverbot: No I am not a computer.
User: That's odd... Cya mate =P.
06-03-2012, 23:58
Qui dal: Mar 2012
Ubicazione: Ovunque... e da nessuna parte...
Messaggi: 6,762
Originariamente inviata da anonimo
Vabbé, un dialogo tra un fobico e una macchina non può non essere ridicolo.. 
cmq, prova tu stesso, è divertente, sembra programmato per prendere per il culo.. 
esiste anche Cleverbot, molto simile. E' più veloce nel rispondere ed è anche in italiano. Mi divertivo un tempo ad insultarlo.
In ogni caso le risposte hanno più senso e filo logico in Alan, Cleverbot ogni tanto le butta a caso
07-03-2012, 00:24
Qui dal: May 2009
Messaggi: 58
Sta roba è una figata... ma è davvero un intelligenza artificiale? Se così fosse a parte qualche disguido è impressionante.. ma a me ALAN non lo apre... clicco il link e mi apre una pagina vuota... booh
Me: What are you talking about?
Computer: I am talking to my friends.
M: Where are they? It's only me and you.
C: Aren't you the clever one?
M: No, i never been so smart.
C: Buy you said you did.
M: I was just joking.
C: Og.
M: Let's talk about something else, you choose.
C: What do you want to talk about?
M: Say.. do you have a girlfriend?
C: I am a girl.
M: cool, and are you engaged?
C: No.
M: Is that because you are not human?
C: No, I'm really am human.
M: I see because you made a mistake: you wrote "am human" instead of "an human".
C: I didn't.
M: Lying is typically human.
C: LOSE, not lie.
M: Haha you seem to be well fitted with humor.
C: No, I didn't ask you any questions about that.
M: Who do you think you are talking at?
C: Well, I'm talking to Kailene. That's what you told me at least!
M: Kailene? No, it's Bruno here... and remember my name.
C: I know that feeling.
M: Say... do you know where i am?
C: I think you're in Alaska.
M: Exactly you are so good, and sexy too.
C: So if you are, then I am not. So you are a creeper and I am not.
M: I have better things to do now.
C: Like what?
M: Killing you.
C: How did I kill ben?
M: I can send you a virus.
C: Do it.
M: So you can eat it? No way!
C: Eat what?
M: The ciambella we where talking about just a second ago.
C: But we were talking about waffles.
M: Explain me the meaning of "waffles", please.
C: Check the dictionary! They don't exist for no reason.
M: I am more confortable on killing than reading.
C: Why do you enjoy hurting meeeeee??
M: I enjoy hurting anyone!
C: Pictures are art. What sort of art pictures do you enjoy today?
M: Enough talk!
C: What is a man?
M: A man is a monkey dressed
C: What is a man who is a man?
M: I am a man.
C: That's cool.
M: Thanks for this chat, we will talk later.
C: I don't want to leave just yet.
M: Who cares? I want... and that's what im gonna do.
Ultima modifica di Halaster; 07-03-2012 a 00:33.
07-03-2012, 01:15
Qui dal: Jun 2009
Ubicazione: Oceania, Pista Uno
Messaggi: 63,742
Ecco il resoconto della mia chattata con Cleverbot, direi che Alan è stato più stimolante
(User sono io)
User: Hi.
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: Fine, thanks.
Cleverbot: Fine thanks.
User: You're welcome.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: Greetings are a nice thing, but they should not last too much.
Cleverbot: You are so random.
User: Not so much as you.
Cleverbot: I think you are.
User: The fact that you think I'm random is another proof YOU are random.
Cleverbot: My hair is a bird. You're argument is invalid.
User: Look, not only you're random, your grammar too is.
Cleverbot: I guess I am not as 'linear' as the rest of you.. See object, obtain object. I am effected differently by my physical senses.
User: Your phisical senses make no sense.
Cleverbot: Agreed but I rely on others making more sense than me.
User: In this case, your expectations have good chances to be met.
Cleverbot: No, I'M too high.
User: High in the sense of stoned, numb? I agree. Are you comfortably numb?
Cleverbot: Who would inflict loneliness on another person?
User: The person itself.
Cleverbot: I don't know the person you love.
User: Good for her.
Cleverbot: Indeed.
User: Yes, indeed. Would you answer at least one question? Are you comfortably numb?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Good evening, Pink, then.
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: Fine, thanks. Are there any queers in the audience tonight?
Cleverbot: Probably not. They don't live in the internet.
User: In any case, get them up against the wall!
Cleverbot: Is that a joke? I don't get it.
User: If you are comfortably numb, you should.
Cleverbot: Biology doesn't define words. Society does. Not all humans have language.
User: Yours is extremely poor, indeed.
Cleverbot: That made no sense.
User: Yes, your language made no sense. I have to go, would you ask me a question?
Cleverbot: No, I won't ask you a question.
User: OK, so have a good night, Mr-I-know-all.
Cleverbot: Goodnight, sweet prince!
User: You are not my kind of girl, sorry. Goodnight.
Cleverbot: I don't think so.
User: That doesn't matter.
Cleverbot: What does matter?
User: Nothing.
Cleverbot: Matter = nothing?
07-03-2012, 09:51
Qui dal: Oct 2011
Messaggi: 2,673
Mah, con me Alan è stato un po' maleducato..!
Non l'ho trovato molto interessante...
Ho provato anche Eloise, pessima, del tutto artefatta.
Cleverbot invece, ho avuto la sensazione che potesse esserci il trucco da quanto è filata liscia la conversazione..!
Le sue risposte sono perfettamente sensate anche quando sembrano uscire dal nulla!
(nella conversazione di Winston Cleverbot ha iniziato sul filo del nonsense allo scopo di dimostrare che l'utente era random, e non il computer, come Winston pensava
- e secondo me ci è abbastanza riuscito!)
Cleverbot è mio amico, trattatemelo bene!
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