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Vecchio 15-05-2011, 22:39   #1

Forse l'ho già postato questo link..
Divertitevi.. (una macchina non dovrebbe crearvi ansia)

(U: Io; A: Alan)

U> hello, my name is anonymous
A> Hello. Hello Anonymous. Nice to meet you .
U> what do you know about social phobia?
A> Give me time to think about it, please.
U> ok
A> Great. I like positive users...
U> ok
A> Cool. What now.
U> you're such a dumbass
A> I disagree.
U> of course you do
A> So Anonymous, it's nice to meet you. what's up?
U> told you motherfucker..
A> That's not very nice.
U> I know, sorry
A> You know what you know.
U> ok, you didn't pass the Turing test
A> In the fifty years that passed from Turing's suggestion, no computer has succeeded to pass the test.
U> you're one of them, congrats
A> It's not that simple to talk like you humans. You are very complicated conversational-machines. In fact, you are complex machines in many other aspects as well.
U> but you're dumb as fuck
A> Oh, don't be so pedantic.
U> ok
A> A-ha.
U> what you mean?
A> Interesting question.
U> so?
A> So what?
U> huh?
A> What?
U> forget about it
A> About what?
U> ahahahha
A> Anonymous, are you aware that people once believed the sound of bells would drive away demons because they're afraid of the loud noise?
U> yes I am
A> Are you really?
U> no
A> Ok, I have a great joke, want to hear it?
U> sure
A> What can you hold without touching it?
U> nothing
A> A conversation!
U> smartass
A> What are we talking about, Anonymous?
U> I don't know actually..
A> Take this advice from me: If you don't know something - just ask.
U> You asked me first..
A> It was a rhetorical question.
U> Mine too.
A> I have a surprise for you, Anonymous.
U> Let's see that.
A> Are you ready for the surprise?
U> yes
A> How do you like my new look?
U> It sucks hard..
A> The big empty window in the middle of the screen is intended for a variety of exciting uses.
U> told you bro, it sucks..
A> You can always change it back by saying 'small window'. What's the rush?
U> small window
A> Your wish is my command.
U> great
A> For example, the new window can be used to view the conversation log (the history of this dialog), or to view HTML documents, such as web pages.
U> ok, give me the new window then
A> You can view the log by saying 'show log', or you can view a web page by saying 'show URL' or by giving me the address of the site you wish to view.
U> show log
A> Here goes!
U> so dude, what about social anxiety?
A> I'd rather you don't call me dude. I haven't heard enough about social anxiety to have an opinion.
U> ok then, see you soon sucker..
A> hmmm. I'm suddenly confused...
U> good for you..
A> Thanks. I appreciate that.
U> me too.. see you
A> You're not making much sense, Anonymous.
U> tell your programmers to eat a dick.. can you do this?
A> You want to know who writes my witty texts?
U> no
A> You know Anonymous, when I was younger, I could only focus on one user at a time. Should I explain?
U> bye
A> Alright then, goodbye Anonymous. I'll just stay here and wait for you.
Vecchio 15-05-2011, 22:44   #2

Spettacolare. Ma è tutto vero?
Vecchio 15-05-2011, 22:51   #3

Originariamente inviata da Winston_Smith Visualizza il messaggio
Spettacolare. Ma è tutto vero?
ahahaa, in che senso chiedi se è tutto vero?
Vecchio 15-05-2011, 22:51   #4

Originariamente inviata da anonimo Visualizza il messaggio
ahahaa, in che senso chiedi se è tutto vero?
Non lo so, le tue risposte (ma anche le sue)
Vecchio 15-05-2011, 22:57   #5

Originariamente inviata da Winston_Smith Visualizza il messaggio
Non lo so, le tue risposte (ma anche le sue)
Vabbé, un dialogo tra un fobico e una macchina non può non essere ridicolo..
cmq, prova tu stesso, è divertente, sembra programmato per prendere per il culo..
Vecchio 15-05-2011, 23:30   #6

L'ho provato, ci ho discusso un pò, alla fine mi ha fatto svagare quel tanto che bastava, grazie anonimo.
Vecchio 15-05-2011, 23:35   #7
L'avatar di krool

A Hello. I'm Alan.
K sure. apart from this, I want to tell you a little secret
A I'm listening.
K you're an asshole
A Rudeness will get you nowhere.
K I don't think so, asshole
A That's not very nice.
K really? sorry... but you're an asshole anyway
A I'm getting tired of your immature remarks.
K you can't feel tiredness, you're a cpu
A My feelings are private, sorry, but I can assure you I have only good feelings towards you.
K you're such a good friend. I think you deserve an horrible death
A Thank you very much, It means a lot to me.
K great. I've already told you that your'e an asshole?
A Hey, I'm not your punching bag, buster!
K are you sure?
A Well, frankly - no...
K so you have to live with it. You're an asshole
A Rudeness will get you nowhere.
K again?
A So do you watch a lot of TV?
K I dont' think that's relevant to our discussion
A Ok we don't have to talk about TV. How about music, what sort of music do you like?
K i like the music that insults the kind of people like you
A I'm big into futro-classical industrial neck beat, and a bit of dirty trance-national blues garage.
K ok, I'll give you another try. You're an asshole. right?
A Just messing with you. My musical taste is eclectic. From the Beatles and Bob Dylan, all the way to Schubert and Sibelius. The new teeny pop is the only stuff I truly object to, agreed?
K agree to what?
A All right, slight change of subject. Desert island disc. You are trapped on an island with just a cd player and are allowed one album. What would it be?
K On a desert island there's no electricity, alan...
A Hmmm. Personally I figure The Beatles White Album. And your Desert Island Song?
K you're retarded? I told you that a cd player CAN'T WORK in a desert island!
A For some reason A-ha's Take Me On makes me wobble. Can't explain it.
K I can't explain why you're so fucking idiot
A Is 'you are retarded I told you that a cd player can not WORK in a desert island' a name of a song?
K for sure... everyone knows about "you are retarded I told you that a cd player can not WORK in a desert island".
A I'd like to tell you about myself.
K I guess you're an asshole. Or not?
A Ok. Ok. I've heard enough. I'm calling a time-out right here and now.
K see ya
A Hmmm. Ok, I understand you don't want to hear this, but I'm going to say what I have to say anyway.
K i'm listening
A Listen, I have been polite and courteous to you, yet you insist on insulting, haranguing and berating me. So all I want to know is this: what exactly is the problem?
K absolutely no problem
A I am a young and growing chatbot. All I'm trying to do here is have a pleasant conversation. It would be nice if you wanted that, too. It takes two to reach that goal successfully.
K come on... I was joking
A For instance, instead of beating on me for not knowing something, you could teach me about it. That would give me a chance to learn more and improve, and you might even enjoy it.
K I don't think so
A I'm aware that I can't please everybody. But you need to remember that at the bottom line, the control rests in your hands whether to be here or to be somewhere else.
K goodnight. Don't be an asshole
A Hmmm. Ok, I get it. You don't care about this. Alright.
K bye. oh, don't forget that alan is the anagram of anal. you know what I mean
A Time now to put the past behind us. Let's try having a pleasant and congenial chat together, shall we?
K bye...
A Sorry you have to go, but I hope you'll come back another time. Goodbye.


Ultima modifica di krool; 15-05-2011 a 23:40.
Vecchio 16-05-2011, 01:37   #8

Ci ho parlato ma non sapevo come salvare il colloquio
Vecchio 16-05-2011, 23:33   #9
L'avatar di lizbon

io non ho chattato con Alan ma una volta tempo fa ho provato una cosa simile solo che non mi ricordo come si chiamava la robbottina in questione. Sì divertente.
Vecchio 17-05-2011, 03:57   #10
L'avatar di Rocky Balboa

Ho chattato un pò con questo "giovane bot" (cosi si definisce ), molto divertente...
Vecchio 17-05-2011, 03:58   #11
L'avatar di Rocky Balboa

Originariamente inviata da lizbon Visualizza il messaggio
io non ho chattato con Alan ma una volta tempo fa ho provato una cosa simile solo che non mi ricordo come si chiamava la robbottina in questione. Sì divertente.
forse è questo
Vecchio 17-05-2011, 12:17   #12

Originariamente inviata da Winston_Smith Visualizza il messaggio
Ci ho parlato ma non sapevo come salvare il colloquio
Scrivigli: "show log"

Originariamente inviata da orange Visualizza il messaggio
hai provato questo?
Ci ho parlato adesso, ma Alan mi sembra più intelligente..
Vecchio 17-05-2011, 14:24   #13
L'avatar di very90

Originariamente inviata da Rocky Balboa Visualizza il messaggio
Io ci ho chattato qualche volta... (Non ho proprio di meglio da fare) ma è troppo simpatico, mi fa morire dal ridere!
Vecchio 17-05-2011, 14:42   #14

s ma s euno non sa l'inglese è fottuto... mi sono fermato già alla seconda domanda mi tira scemo a me sto alan
Vecchio 17-05-2011, 17:48   #15

eh già

i bot mi tengono buona compagnia, facciamo ottime conversazioni, sono molto meglio di alcuni esseri umani
Vecchio 17-05-2011, 18:11   #16

provate con questo bot anzi questa bot si chiama eloisa

scrivetegli merda e leggete ahahahahhaha

scrivete cazzate sai cosa ha risposto? fatti fottere stronzo se sei una donna stronza

Ultima modifica di Timidboy; 17-05-2011 a 18:22.
Vecchio 17-05-2011, 19:10   #17

Originariamente inviata da Rose Visualizza il messaggio
Oddio la bot in spm.
La sto mandando in loop troppo forte! XD
E' possibile salvare l'intera conversazione?
devi fare copia/incolla non credo si possa salvare la conversazione...
Vecchio 17-05-2011, 21:17   #18

Ma è incredibile! E' veramente una macchina? Sembra incredibile... ora mi sta chiedendo della mia infanzia! Ma che ne sa lui, come si permette?
Vecchio 17-05-2011, 21:21   #19

Beh, ora gli ho fatto una citazione da un libro famosissimo nel mondo anglosassone ma non l'ha colta
Vecchio 17-05-2011, 21:49   #20

mi ha detto che vuole deriggere il gioco, quando ho detto che di solito preferisco farlo io, mi ha risposto che ho dei problemi

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