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dharma 13-04-2020 10:58

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

cancellato21736 13-04-2020 15:58

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Ergo Proxy 13-04-2020 16:12

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

nattydread 13-04-2020 17:16

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?
passate anche voi alle file di padre nebuloso gianni

non fate i difficili dai


The comedy of man starts like this:
Our brains are way too big for our mother’s hips
So, nature, she devised this alternative:
We emerge half-formed and hope whoever greets us on the other end
Is kind enough
To fill us in
And, babies, that’s pretty much how it’s been ever since

Now the miracle of birth leaves a few issues to address
Like say that half of us are periodically iron deficient
So somebody’s gotta go kill something while I look after the kids
I’d do it myself, but what, are you gonna get this thing his milk?
He says as soon as he gets back from the hunt we can switch
It’s hard not to fall in love with something so helpless
Ladies, I hope we don’t end up regretting this

Now that’s what I call pure comedy
Just wait until the part where they start to believe
They’re at the center of everything
And some all powerful being
Endowed this horror show with meaning

Their religions are the best
They worship themselves but they’re totally obsessed
With risen zombies, celestial virgins, magic tricks
In these unbelievable outfits
And they get terribly upset
If you question their sacred texts
Written by woman-hating epileptics

Their languages just tend to confuse them
Their confusion somehow makes them more sure
Now they’re much too bright for the old superstitions
But they’re yet to find a new one they won’t serve

Where did they find these clowns they elected to rule them
They recline in outrage at the
These mammals are hell-bent on fashioning new gods
So they can go on being godless animals

Their illusions that are all that they can see
Their horizons that just forever recede
How’s this for irony:
Their idea of being free
Is a prison of beliefs
They’ve every right to never leave

It’s like something that a madman would conceive
The only thing that seems to makes them feel alive
Is the struggle to survive
But the only thing that they request
Is something to numb the pain with
Until there’s nothing human left

Just random matter suspended in the dark
Hate to say it, but each other’s all we’ve got

Ergo Proxy 13-04-2020 21:22

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Krieg 13-04-2020 23:15

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Warner84 13-04-2020 23:37

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

cancellato21736 14-04-2020 01:52

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Ciasty 14-04-2020 10:37

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Ciasty 14-04-2020 16:33

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

nattydread 14-04-2020 16:41

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?
holy shit o la gran trollata


Ancient holy wars
Dead religions, holocausts
New regimes, old ideas
That's now myth, that's now real
Original sin, genetic fate
Revolutions, spinning plates
It's important to stay informed
The commentary to comment on
Oh, and no one ever really knows you, and life is brief
So I've heard, but what's that gotta do with this black hole and me?
Age-old gender roles
Infotainment, capital
Golden bows and mercury
Bohemian nightmare, dust bowl chic
This documentary's lost on me
Satirical news, free energy
Mobile lifestyle, loveless sex
Independence, happiness
Oh, and no one ever knows the real you, and life is brief
So I've heard, but what's that gotta do with this atom bomb and me?
Coliseum families
The golden era of TV
Eunuch sluts, consumer slaves
A rose by any other name
Carbon footprint, incest streams
Fuck the mother in the green
Planet cancer, sweet revenge
Isolation, online friends
Oh, and love is just an institution based on human frailty
What's your paradise gotta do with Adam and Eve?
Maybe love is just an economy based on resource scarcity
But what I fail to see is what that's gotta do with you and me

~ Gazer 14-04-2020 20:22

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?
In fissa

Crepuscolo 14-04-2020 20:56

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Hazel Grace 14-04-2020 21:04

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Blue Sky 14-04-2020 21:57

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?
Buddha Bar III - CD1

Biancalatte 14-04-2020 22:02

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Biancalatte 14-04-2020 22:19

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Originariamente inviata da JR_Reloaded (Messaggio 2432068)


Ciasty 15-04-2020 11:49

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

nattydread 15-04-2020 13:04

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?
a winston con amore


Naturally the dying man wonders to himself
Has commentary been more lucid than anybody else?
And had he successively beaten back the rising tide
Of idiots, dilettantes, and fools
On his watch while he was alive
Lord, just a little more time
Oh, in no time at all
This'll be the distant past
So says the dying man once I'm in the box
Just think of all the overrated hacks running amok
And all of the pretentious, ignorant voices that will go unchecked
The homophobes, hipsters, and 1%
The false feminists he'd managed to detect
Oh, who will critique them once he's left?
Oh, in no time at all
This'll be the distant past
What he'd give for one more day to rate and analyze
The world made in his image as of yet
To realize what a mess to leave behind
Eventually the dying man takes his final breath
But first checks his news feed to see what he's 'bout to miss
And it occurs to him a little late in the game
We leave as clueless as we came
For the rented heavens to the shadows in the cave
We'll all be wrong someday

dharma 15-04-2020 15:36

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

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