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Madeleine 25-11-2017 13:23

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

il_cinese 25-11-2017 15:39

Sto ascoltando la versione orchestrale del tema di dragonball gt, č fantastico, mi ricorda molto le musiche di alcuni videogiochi Giapponesi che ho amato, dark chronicles, dragon quest..purtroppo non riesco a pubblicarlo, metto il link:

Silent Bob 25-11-2017 16:01

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Usuaroo 25-11-2017 21:29

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

berserk 25-11-2017 21:33

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

SoloUnaDonna 25-11-2017 21:59

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

berserk 26-11-2017 10:16

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Silent Bob 26-11-2017 12:02

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Silent Bob 26-11-2017 13:37

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

varykino 27-11-2017 20:08

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Madeleine 28-11-2017 19:01

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Madeleine 28-11-2017 19:08

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

badwolf 28-11-2017 20:04

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Pablo's way 28-11-2017 22:00

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?
So 90's

Atlas 01-12-2017 16:30

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

I sit at my table and wage war on myself, it seems like it's all, it's all for nothing.
I know the barricades and I know the mortar in the wall break,i recognise the weapons....i've used them well.
This is my mistake, let me make it good.
"I raised the wall, and I will be the one to knock it down!"

I've a rich understanding of my finest defences:
- "I proclaim that claims are left unstated"
- "I demand a rematch!"
- "I decree a stalemate!"

I divine my deeper motives, i recognise the weapons,i've practised them well (I fitted them myself)
It's amazing what devices you can sympathize, empathise; this is my mistake, let me make it good:

- "I raised the wall and I will be the one to knock it down!"

Reach out for me:

-"Hold me tight! Hold that memory!"

Let my machine talk to me
Let my machine talk to me


This is my world,and I am:

T h e W o r l d L e a d e r P r e t e n d

This is my life, and this is my time.I have been given the freedom to do as I see fit.
-"It's high time I razed the walls that I've constructed..."

It's amazing what devices you can sympathize, empathise; this is my mistake, let me make it good:

-"I raised the wall, and I will be the one to knock it down!"

You fill
in the mortar

You fill
in the harmony

You fill
in the mortar


And I'm the only one

-"I will be the one to knock it down!"

limitless 01-12-2017 22:37

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

kikoyo 02-12-2017 00:32

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

badwolf 02-12-2017 22:23

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

Rainbow Veins 02-12-2017 23:15

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

La colonna sonora che pių si addice a questa solitudine.

EmptyHeart 03-12-2017 06:24

Re: Cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?

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