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Vecchio 24-07-2007, 23:52   #1

For what is the meaning of life?
If not... Suffering
I wonder what's the meaning of this weak existance
If not... Sorrow
Vecchio 24-07-2007, 23:58   #2
L'avatar di logger99 now???
Vecchio 25-07-2007, 00:08   #3
L'avatar di Pride

On the way
Trying to get where I'd like to say
I'm always feeling steered away
By someone trying to tell me
What to say and do
I don't want it
I gotta go find my own way
I gotta go make my own mistakes
Sorry man for feeling
Feeling the way I do
On yeah, Oh yeah
Open wide and they'll shove in
Their meaning of life
Oh yeah, Oh yeah
But not for me I'll do it on my own
Oh yeah, Oh yeah
Open wide and swallow their meaning of life
I can't make it work your way
Thanks but no thanks
By the way
I know your path has been tried and so
It may seem like the way to go
Me, I'd rather be found
Trying something new
And the bottom line
In all of this seems to say
There's no right and wrong way
Sorry if I don't feel like
Living the way you do
Vecchio 25-07-2007, 00:11   #4
L'avatar di vetro

Vecchio 25-07-2007, 00:28   #5
L'avatar di cruccomobil

"finchè la barca va,lasciala andare,finchè la barca va,tu non remare,
quando l'amore viene un campanello suonerà"

mettiti vicino alla porta
tra poco avrai visite
Vecchio 25-07-2007, 00:49   #6
L'avatar di julien_cd

Vecchio 25-07-2007, 00:53   #7
L'avatar di Pride

Originariamente inviata da julien_cd

Avevo prestato "Ixnay on the hombre" e non me l'hanno più restituito!
Vecchio 25-07-2007, 11:20   #8

We ma non rompete gli zebedei, è un sito italiano questo.

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