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Vecchio 23-07-2014, 00:20   #161
L'avatar di linea77

Originariamente inviata da sadsilversoul Visualizza il messaggio
'Tanto il mio destino è stare solo con chiunque'
Vecchio 23-07-2014, 01:33   #162
L'avatar di Neith

Originariamente inviata da Winston_Smith Visualizza il messaggio
Questa è la canzone da fobico per antonomasia (occhio al testo)

Mi sembrava ci fosse già un topic del genere, ma non riesco a trovarlo...
Oh dio,quante volte ascolto questo capolavoro...
Vecchio 23-07-2014, 14:29   #163
L'avatar di slowdive

Vecchio 23-07-2014, 14:52   #164
L'avatar di kasper-me

Questa da quando l'ho sentita non se n'è andata più via....
Vecchio 23-07-2014, 14:54   #165

Vecchio 23-07-2014, 15:17   #166

Vecchio 24-07-2014, 02:55   #167

Originariamente inviata da Neith Visualizza il messaggio
Oh dio,quante volte ascolto questo capolavoro...
E' la proprietà della Grande Arte, quella di esprimere ciò che provano persone sconosciute, a volte meglio di quanto esse stesse possano.
Vecchio 24-07-2014, 02:59   #168

(notevole come in questa canzone si rifiutino una per una tutte le categorizzazioni e le generalizzazioni in cui troppo spesso si cerca di incasellare il prossimo, anche su questo forum; per non parlare dell'equazione lunatico = diverso, presa pari pari dai Venerabili ed Eccelsi maestri )

Ultima modifica di Winston_Smith; 24-07-2014 a 03:08.
Vecchio 24-07-2014, 11:24   #169

Vecchio 24-07-2014, 11:31   #170

Vecchio 24-07-2014, 11:39   #171

Vecchio 05-11-2014, 15:58   #172
L'avatar di eVito Corleone

Questa è perfetta.

"Get Out The Way"

Hey, there’s something in the way
Oh, it’s just me and my brain
Look, there’s an elephant in the room
I know, I’ll make a piano and play a little tune
And I’ll write the perfect song for the perfect day
Might take a little time before my song gets played

Just get out the way, get out
Get out the way, get out
Get out the way, get out the way, get out the way
Just get out the way, get out
Get out the way, get out
Get out the way, get out the way, get out the way

There’s spit on my face
The hot breath of the human race
And I know, I know, I’m supposed to integrate
But hows about instead I inch away?

Just get out the way, get out
Get out the way, get out the way, get out the way
Just get out the way, get out
Get out the way, get out
Get out the way, get out the way, get out the way

I'm not anti-social
I'm just tired of the people
And I'm fine with rolling solo
So get out

Just get out the way, get out
Get out the way, get out the way, get out the way
Just get out the way, get out
Get out the way, get out
Get out the way, get out the way, get out the way

Vecchio 05-11-2014, 16:11   #173

Vecchio 05-11-2014, 18:20   #174
L'avatar di Skyl

Ultima modifica di Skyl; 05-11-2014 a 18:32.
Vecchio 05-11-2014, 20:24   #175
L'avatar di Drifter

Non so se sia stata già pubblicata, più per solitari che per fobici, ma mi ci rispecchio comunque.

Sometimes I feel I'm gonna break down and cry, so lonely
Nowhere to go, nothing to do with my time
I get lonely, so lonely, living on my own.

Sometimes I feel I'm always walking too fast, so lonely
And everything is coming down on me, down on me, I go crazy
Oh so crazy, living on my own.

Dee do de de, dee do de de
I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de de, dee do de de
I get so lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, yeah
Got to be some good times ahead

Sometimes I feel nobody gives me no warning
Find my head is always up in the clouds in a dreamworld
It's not easy, living on my own, my own, my own
Vecchio 23-02-2015, 23:15   #176
L'avatar di Keith

Vecchio 24-02-2015, 21:45   #177
L'avatar di berserk

Vecchio 16-03-2015, 01:32   #178

"Obbligati tra la gente, buttati li' per caso, vivi, ma
per niente..."

Vecchio 16-03-2015, 22:57   #179
L'avatar di Manny

Sarà già stata citata, ma la incollo comunque.

"When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eyes

You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so fucking special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here"

Vecchio 18-03-2015, 17:11   #180
L'avatar di The Cave


Heard you say suicide in your sleep
Just get on with it you were born to lose
Will you hang like the moon from a rope in your room
Oh you long for it, you were born to lose

Where did you go?
(All I know)
Where did you go?
(You can't choose)
Where did you go?
(Here I go. Born to lose.)

Took a shot to the head in the back near the crib
Such a legend now you were born to lose
Cause I know that the pain keeps you close to the flame
You know everything you were born to lose

Where did you go?
(All I know)
Where did you go?
(You can't choose)
Where did you go?
(Here I go. Born to lose.)

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