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Vecchio 30-01-2017, 23:25   #2401

“Soon, this will feel like a distant dream. Until then, may you rest in a deep and dreamless slumber.”
Vecchio 01-02-2017, 19:46   #2402

Vecchio 02-02-2017, 01:29   #2403
L'avatar di silenzio

Originariamente inviata da Headache94 Visualizza il messaggio
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cancellato12164 (02-02-2017)
Vecchio 02-02-2017, 20:00   #2404

Vecchio 06-02-2017, 15:04   #2405


Vecchio 06-02-2017, 15:23   #2406

Non essendo figo, non potendo mettere la mia foto su instagram da figo che studia, mi accontento di questa

Vecchio 06-02-2017, 16:24   #2407

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cancellato13248 (07-02-2017), cancellato14678 (07-02-2017)
Vecchio 07-02-2017, 01:37   #2408
L'avatar di Ergo Proxy

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cancellato13248 (07-02-2017), lonely heart (07-02-2017)
Vecchio 08-02-2017, 01:31   #2409
L'avatar di Ergo Proxy

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cancellato16014 (08-02-2017)
Vecchio 09-02-2017, 22:26   #2410

"Il problema delle persone é essere amati:
se una persona é amata, non si ammazza"
Vecchio 10-02-2017, 01:00   #2411
L'avatar di Incenso

Vecchio 11-02-2017, 14:51   #2412
L'avatar di Yumenohashi

Vecchio 11-02-2017, 23:58   #2413

Vecchio 13-02-2017, 15:56   #2414
L'avatar di Ergo Proxy

Vecchio 14-02-2017, 01:14   #2415
L'avatar di Ergo Proxy

« Cara Roberta Sparrow, ho letto a fondo il suo libro e ci sono molte cose che vorrei chiederle.
A volte ho paura di quello che lei potrebbe dirmi. E a volte ho paura che lei mi dica che non è tutto frutto della fantasia.
Posso solo sperare che la risposta mi arrivi nel sonno.
E spero anche, quando il mondo finirà, di poter tirare un sospiro di sollievo, perché ci sarà tanto da contemplare avidamente... »

Vecchio 14-02-2017, 21:13   #2416
L'avatar di Stella89

Vecchio 18-02-2017, 05:31   #2417

"They found Jacobson in early spring, the thaw had only just come. Even though he’d been dead nearly seven months, his body had been frozen right down to the nerves and had not even begun to decompose. His fingernails were raw and bitten to the quick; they found the phosphorescent moss that grows in the caves deep under the nails. Whatever he’d been doing under the island when his strength began to fail is lost. He’d struggled halfway up the cliff again, perhaps in a delirium, perhaps trying to reach the bothy’s fire, before curling into a stone and expiring."
Vecchio 19-02-2017, 05:59   #2418

"He was not drunk Esther, he was not drunk at all. He had not drunk with Donnelly or spat Jacobson back at the sea; he had not careered across the lost shores and terminal beaches of this nascent archipelago. He did not intend his bonnet to be crumpled like a spent tissue by the impact. His windscreen was not star-studded all over like a map of the heavens. His paintwork etched with circuit diagrams, strange fish to call the gulls away. The phosphorescence of the skid marks lighting the M5 all the way from Exeter to Damascus."
Vecchio 20-02-2017, 05:24   #2419

"The stones in my stomach will weigh me down and ensure my descent is true and straight. I will break through the fog of these godforsaken pills and achieve clarity. All my functions are clogged, all my veins are choked. If my leg doesn’t rot off before I reach the summit, it will be a miracle. There are twenty-one connections in the circuit diagram of the anti-lock brakes, there are twenty-one species of gull inhabiting these islands , it is twenty-one miles between the Sandford junction and the turn off for home. All these things cannot, will not, be a co-incidence."
Vecchio 20-02-2017, 11:24   #2420
L'avatar di silenzio

Sverso, uno che cita in inglese di solito lo fa perchè sonosce il significato del testo, che ne dici di tradurlo ogni tanto? Lo dico perchè spesso ho notato che non sempre si afferrava il significato esatto della frase, anche se sulle prime sembrana chiarissimo.

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