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Vecchio 24-01-2015, 20:30   #41
L'avatar di linea77

1 girls against boys
2 artic monkeys
3 bluevertigo
4 dog eat dog
5 blink 182
6 queen(?)/king crimson(?)
7 gun's and roses
8 coldplay
9 Teenage Fanclub
10 police
11 Chemical Brothers
12 earth wind and fire
13 rage againt the machine
14 Screaming Trees
15 Black Merda
16 down?
17 eek-a-mouse?
17 modest mouse?
18 alien ant farm
19 bikini kill
20 butthole surfers
21 traffic?
22 the black keys
23 cake?
24 tre allegri ragazzi morti
25 pills
26 ok go
28 whale
29 the presidents of the usa
30 garbage
31 flaming lips
32 white snakes
33 Clap your hands say yeah
34 Smoke (?)
35 Cop shoot cop
36 gorilla biscuits/queen
37 queen/gorilla biscuits
38 kiss
39/57 television
40 nine inch nails
41 black keys/ghost b.c.
42 gostfacekillah
43 Sex Pistols
45 train
46 the doors
47 Japan
48 smashing pumpinks
50 Spain
51 Blind Melon
52 black flag
54 the smashing pumpkins
56 Lemonheads
57 television
58 peaches/Cranberries
59 imagine dragons
61 bowling for soup
62 arcade fire
63 korn
64 light house family
66 king diamond
67 rainbow
68 talk talk
69 WHo/question mark e the mysterians
71 prozac+
73 tears for fear
74 birthdy party
75 le orme
76 happy divide/joi division
77 linea77
manca poco!

Ultima modifica di linea77; 24-01-2015 a 20:40.
Vecchio 24-01-2015, 20:34   #42

Originariamente inviata da An.dream Visualizza il messaggio
Anche secondo me è più probabile che siano gli Who.
Però i Queen potrebbero essere anche al numero 6, con quel baffo.

@linea77: avevo editato aggiungendo gli Chemical Brothers al numero 11.
Numero 6 penso siano i King Crimson.
Vecchio 24-01-2015, 20:45   #43
L'avatar di linea77

Originariamente inviata da LeonardKraditor Visualizza il messaggio
Numero 6 penso siano i King Crimson.
Vecchio 24-01-2015, 21:36   #44

27. fear factory
44 rockets
60 forbidden (?)

Ultima modifica di awasted; 24-01-2015 a 22:00.
Vecchio 24-01-2015, 21:51   #45
L'avatar di NoSurrender

Ei i 44 secondo me sono i Rockets!!!!
Vecchio 24-01-2015, 21:55   #46

I Television sono al numero 57, al numero 39 ci sono i TV on the Radio.
54 penso siano i Dream Theater.

Ultima modifica di LeonardKraditor; 24-01-2015 a 22:37.
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 07:09   #47
L'avatar di linea77


1 girls against boys
2 artic monkeys
3 bluevertigo
4 dog eat dog
5 blink 182
6 king crimson(?)
7 gun's and roses
8 coldplay
9 teenage fanclub
10 police
12 earth wind and fire
13 rage againt the machine
14 screaming trees
15 black merda
16 down?
17 eek-a-mouse?
17 modest mouse?
17 i ratti della sabina
18 alien ant farm
19 bikini kill
20 butthole surfers
21 traffic?
22 the black keys
23 cake?
24 tre allegri ragazzi morti
25 pills
26 ok go
27 fear factory(?)
28 whale
29 the presidents of the usa
30 garbage
31 flaming lips
32 white snakes
33 clap your hands say yeah
34 smoke (?)
35 cop shoot cop
36 gorilla biscuits/queen
37 queen/gorilla biscuits
38 kiss
39 tv on the radio
40 nine inch nails
41 black keys/ghost b.c.
42 gostfacekillah
43 sex pistols
44 rockets
45 train
46 the doors
47 japan
48 smashing pumpinks
50 spain
51 blind melon
52 black flag
54 dream theater
56 lemonheads
57 television
58 peaches/cranberries
59 imagine dragons
60 forbidden(?)
61 bowling for soup
62 arcade fire
63 korn
64 light house family
66 king diamond
67 rainbow
68 talk talk
69 who/question mark e the mysterians
71 prozac+
73 tears for fear
74 birthdy party
75 le orme
76 happy divide/joi division
77 linea77

mancanti, 11,49,53,55,65,70,72
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 10:21   #48

44 Rockets
32 Whitesnake
49 Orient Express
27 Fear Factory
34 The Smoke
39 TV on the Radio
54 Dream Theater
60 Forbidden
69 The Who
70 The Batteries
61 Bowling For Soup
17 Danger Mouse (Brian Joseph Burton)
21 Traffic
23 The Sweet
41 Ghost B.C.
53 Boy Hits Car??
65 N.E.R.D

Ultima modifica di Wolferstein; 25-01-2015 a 11:08.
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 10:51   #49
L'avatar di linea77

Ne mancano solo 4, se avete idea di come risolvere i dubbi segnati col "/" mi raccomando scriveteli.

1 girls against boys
2 artic monkeys
3 bluevertigo
4 dog eat dog
5 blink 182
6 king crimson(?)/prince
7 gun's and roses
8 coldplay
9 teenage fanclub
10 police
12 earth wind and fire
13 rage againt the machine
14 screaming trees
15 black merda/balck sabbath
16 down?
17 eek-a-mouse?
17 modest mouse?
17 i ratti della sabina/danger mouse (brian joseph burton)
18 alien ant farm
19 bikini kill
20 butthole surfers/ satanic surfers
21 traffic
22 the black keys
23 cake?/the sweet
24 tre allegri ragazzi morti
25 pills
26 ok go/animal - pink floyd
27 fear factory(?)/pink floyd
28 whale
29 the presidents of the usa
30 garbage
31 flaming lips
32 white snakes
33 clap your hands say yeah
34 the smoke (?)/smoke
35 cop shoot cop
36 gorilla biscuits/queen
37 queen/gorilla biscuits
38 kiss
39 tv on the radio
40 nine inch nails
41 black keys/ghost b.c.
42 gostfacekillah
43 sex pistols
44 rockets
45 train
46 the doors
47 japan
48 smashing pumpinks
49 oriental express
50 spain
51 blind melon
52 black flag
53 jack white
54 dream theater
56 lemonheads
57 television
58 peaches/cranberries
59 imagine dragons
60 forbidden(?)
61 bowling for soup
62 arcade fire
63 korn
64 light house family
66 king diamond
67 rainbow
68 talk talk
69 who/question mark e the mysterians/the who
70 the batteries
71 prozac+
72 jack white
73 tears for fear
74 birthdy party
75 le orme
76 happy divide/joi division
77 linea77

mancanti, 11,49,55,65
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 10:52   #50
L'avatar di linea77

Originariamente inviata da Escher Visualizza il messaggio
il 6 i Queen, i baffi leggendari di Freddie Mercury...
c'è anche la faccina della "regina" che potrebbe essere i queen.
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 11:24   #51
L'avatar di linea77

Originariamente inviata da Escher Visualizza il messaggio
Potrebbero essere questi?
Io non li conosco...ho cercato su google

55 - Manu Chao?
credo che la maggior parte delle risposte anche degli altri utenti venga da google
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 11:28   #52

Originariamente inviata da Wolferstein Visualizza il messaggio
44 Rockets
32 Whitesnake
49 Orient Express
27 Fear Factory
34 The Smoke
39 TV on the Radio
54 Dream Theater
60 Forbidden
69 The Who
70 The Batteries
61 Bowling For Soup
17 Danger Mouse (Brian Joseph Burton)
21 Traffic
23 The Sweet
41 Ghost B.C.
53 Boy Hits Car??
65 N.E.R.D
55 Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 11:35   #53
L'avatar di linea77

1 girls against boys
2 artic monkeys
3 bluevertigo
4 dog eat dog
5 blink 182
6 king crimson(?)/prince/queen
7 gun's and roses
8 coldplay
9 Teenage Fanclub
10 police
12 earth wind and fire
13 rage againt the machine
14 Screaming Trees
15 Black Merda/balck sabbath
16 down?
17 eek-a-mouse?
17 modest mouse?
17 i ratti della sabina/danger mouse (brian joseph burton)
18 alien ant farm
19 bikini kill
20 butthole surfers/ satanic surfers
21 traffic
22 the black keys
23 cake?/the sweet
24 tre allegri ragazzi morti
25 pills
26 ok go/animal - pink floyd
27 fear factory(?)/pink floyd
28 whale
29 the presidents of the usa
30 garbage
31 flaming lips
32 white snakes
33 Clap your hands say yeah
34 the Smoke (?)/smoke
35 Cop shoot cop
36 gorilla biscuits/queen
37 queen/gorilla biscuits
38 kiss
39 tv on the radio
40 nine inch nails
41 black keys/ghost b.c.
42 gostfacekillah
43 Sex Pistols
44 rockets
45 train
46 the doors
47 Japan
48 smashing pumpinks
49 oriental express
50 Spain
51 Blind Melon
52 black flag
53 jack white/boy hits car(?)
54 Dream theater
55 manu chao?/clap your hands say yeah
56 Lemonheads
57 television
58 peaches/Cranberries
59 imagine dragons
60 forbidden(?)
61 bowling for soup
62 arcade fire
63 korn
64 light house family
65 N.E.R.D
66 king diamond
67 rainbow
68 talk talk
69 WHo/question mark e the mysterians/the who
70 the batteries
71 prozac+
72 jack white
73 tears for fear
74 birthdy party
75 le orme
76 happy divide/joi division
77 linea77

mancanti, 11,49

EDIT: Una trovata almeno una risposta per ogni immagine vanno ricontrollate per bene
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 12:00   #54

Non ho ancora visto tutto il video, fin dove sono arrivato:

6 gypsy king?
13 pedestrian? rage against the machine?
27 fear factory
34 cigar? cigarillo?
36 queen
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 13:02   #55
L'avatar di linea77

Originariamente inviata da NemoSum Visualizza il messaggio
Non ho ancora visto tutto il video, fin dove sono arrivato:

6 gypsy king?
13 pedestrian? rage against the machine?
27 fear factory
34 cigar? cigarillo?
36 queen
solo la 11 e la 49 mancano da individuare :C
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 13:49   #56

11 chemical brothers
49 Treni all'Alba


(come ho potuto non riconoscere i Joy? )
Per la 75 voto Joy division
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 14:15   #57
L'avatar di linea77

1 girls against boys
2 artic monkeys
3 bluevertigo
4 dog eat dog
5 blink 182
6 king crimson(?)/prince/queen
7 gun's and roses
8 coldplay
9 Teenage Fanclub
10 police
11 chemical brothers
12 earth wind and fire
13 rage againt the machine
14 Screaming Trees
15 Black Merda/balck sabbath
16 down?
17 eek-a-mouse?
17 modest mouse?
17 i ratti della sabina/danger mouse (brian joseph burton)
18 alien ant farm
19 bikini kill
20 butthole surfers/ satanic surfers
21 traffic
22 the black keys
23 cake?/the sweet
24 tre allegri ragazzi morti
25 pills
26 ok go/animal - pink floyd
27 fear factory(?)/pink floyd
28 whale
29 the presidents of the usa
30 garbage
31 flaming lips
32 white snakes
33 Clap your hands say yeah
34 the Smoke (?)/smoke
35 Cop shoot cop
36 gorilla biscuits/queen
37 queen/gorilla biscuits
38 kiss
39 tv on the radio
40 nine inch nails
41 black keys/ghost b.c.
42 gostfacekillah
43 Sex Pistols
44 rockets
45 train
46 the doors
47 Japan
48 smashing pumpinks
49 oriental express/treni all'alba
50 Spain
51 Blind Melon
52 black flag
53 jack white/boy hits car(?)
54 Dream theater
55 manu chao?/clap your hands say yeah
56 Lemonheads
57 television
58 peaches/Cranberries
59 imagine dragons
60 forbidden(?)
61 bowling for soup
62 arcade fire
63 korn
64 light house family
65 N.E.R.D
66 king diamond
67 rainbow
68 talk talk
69 WHo/question mark e the mysterians/the who
70 the batteries
71 prozac+
72 jack white
73 tears for fear
74 birthdy party
75 le orme
76 happy divide/joi division
77 linea77
11 non erano gli oriental express?
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 14:15   #58

Che ne dite dei Machine Head per il numero 53?
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 14:24   #59
L'avatar di linea77


nel remoto caso (molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto, ma molto remoto) che la lista fosse tutta corretta il mio intento era di pagare ed invitare chi ha partecipato ad uno dei suddetti concerti. Ma non mi faccio aspettative cosi alte al riguardo.

quali delle ultime alternative sono giuste?

1 girls against boys
2 artic monkeys
3 bluevertigo
4 dog eat dog
5 blink 182
6 king crimson(?)/prince/queen
7 gun's and roses
8 coldplay
9 Teenage Fanclub
10 police
11 chemical brothers
12 earth wind and fire
13 rage againt the machine
14 Screaming Trees
15 Black Merda/balck sabbath
16 down?
17 eek-a-mouse?
17 modest mouse?
17 i ratti della sabina/danger mouse (brian joseph burton)
18 alien ant farm
19 bikini kill
20 butthole surfers/ satanic surfers
21 traffic
22 the black keys
23 cake?/the sweet
24 tre allegri ragazzi morti
25 pills
26 ok go/animal - pink floyd
27 fear factory(?)/pink floyd
28 whale
29 the presidents of the usa
30 garbage
31 flaming lips
32 white snakes
33 Clap your hands say yeah
34 the Smoke (?)/smoke
35 Cop shoot cop
36 gorilla biscuits/queen
37 queen/gorilla biscuits
38 kiss
39 tv on the radio
40 nine inch nails
41 black keys/ghost b.c.
42 gostfacekillah
43 Sex Pistols
44 rockets
45 train
46 the doors
47 Japan
48 smashing pumpinks
49 oriental express/treni all'alba
50 Spain
51 Blind Melon
52 black flag
53 jack white/boy hits car(?)
54 Dream theater
55 manu chao?/clap your hands say yeah
56 Lemonheads
57 television
58 peaches/Cranberries
59 imagine dragons
60 forbidden(?)
61 bowling for soup
62 arcade fire
63 korn
64 light house family
65 N.E.R.D
66 king diamond
67 rainbow
68 talk talk
69 WHo/question mark e the mysterians/the who
70 the batteries
71 prozac+
72 jack white
73 tears for fear
74 birthdy party
75 le orme
76 happy divide/joi division
77 linea77
Vecchio 25-01-2015, 14:48   #60
L'avatar di An.dream

Beh, quelli più probabili mi sembrano:
15. Black Merda
26. OK Go
27. Fear factory
33. Clap your Hands say Yeah
37. Gorilla Biscuits
76. Joy division

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