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Vecchio 02-06-2018, 19:51   #301
L'avatar di ristrect

C’è tanta gente infelice che tuttavia non prende l’iniziativa di cambiare la propria situazione perché è condizionata dalla sicurezza, dal conformismo, dal tradizionalismo, tutte cose che sembrano assicurare la pace dello spirito, ma in realtà per l’animo avventuroso di un uomo non esiste nulla di più devastante di un futuro certo. Il vero nucleo dello spirito vitale di una persona è la passione per l’avventura. La gioia di vivere deriva dall’incontro con nuove esperienze, e quindi non esiste gioia più grande dell’avere un orizzonte in costante cambiamento, del trovarsi ogni giorno sotto un sole nuovo e diverso…
Vecchio 02-06-2018, 20:11   #302
L'avatar di berserk

Conforme a chi conforme a cosa
Conforme a quale strana posa
Va peggio va meglio non so dire non lo so

La prima volta fa sempre male
La prima volta ti fa tremare
Sei tu sei tu sei tu chi può darti di più
Sei tu sei tu sei tu chi può darti di più
Vecchio 02-06-2018, 23:12   #303
L'avatar di Rincewind88

Sei solo la copia di mille riassunti
Vecchio 05-06-2018, 17:21   #304
L'avatar di Blackhoney

Fail with consequence
Lose with eloquence and smile
I'm not in this movie
I'm not in this song
Vecchio 05-06-2018, 17:33   #305

Magnando magnando te viene u panzone, ciccione
Vecchio 05-06-2018, 17:53   #306
L'avatar di Blackhoney

Cosa vuol dir "sono una donna ormai"?
Io non conosco quel sorriso sicuro che hai...
Vecchio 11-06-2018, 21:10   #307
L'avatar di Blackhoney

I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would,
I told you I was trouble,
You know that I'm no good.
Vecchio 15-06-2018, 20:31   #308
L'avatar di Blackhoney

il profumo dei capelli suoi
mamma che fitta allo stomaco
non riesco a muovermi bene...

La mia
è tutta
Ringraziamenti da
slowdive (15-06-2018)
Vecchio 21-06-2018, 17:04   #309
L'avatar di Blackhoney

Per guardarmi veramente dentro servirebbe un autopsia
Vecchio 21-06-2018, 18:27   #310
L'avatar di Blackhoney

La vita continua fin come va
E' che quel che cerchi non c'è nella tua città
Dicono che dimostri un velo di maturità
Ogni volta che parli ed eviti banalità
Finita la scuola comincia la casualità
Quando parte il lavoro poi scoppia chi non ce la fa
C'è chi vive stressato dalla sua attività
C'è chi vive una pessima sessualità
Vecchio 10-07-2018, 20:44   #311

E vienimi a prendere
In mezzo alla polvere
Ricordi non c'erano soldi
C'eravamo io e te
I sogni più grossi dentro nuvole tossiche
In fondo ci ho visto qualcosa
Pensavo che fossi te

Ultima modifica di Svers0; 11-07-2018 a 15:11.
Vecchio 30-08-2018, 14:32   #312

È così che in qualche modo ci si trova
Come fosse il giorno dopo carnevale
E ho capito che quel segno della croce è il punto in cui chiedevo di virare
Vecchio 03-12-2018, 22:11   #313
L'avatar di Miky

E poi, e poi, che quel vizio che ci uccidera'

Non sara' fumare o bere, ma il qualcosa che ti porti dentro,

Cioe' vivere.
Vecchio 03-01-2019, 23:20   #314
L'avatar di ~~~

My love has got no money, he's got his strong beliefs
My love has got no power, he's got his strong beliefs
My love has got no fame, he's got his strong beliefs
My love has got no money, he's got his strong beliefs

Want more and more
People just want more and more
Freedom and love, what he's looking for
Want more and more
People just want more and more
Freedom and love, what he's looking for

Freed from desire, mind and senses purified
Freed from desire, mind and senses purified
Freed from desire, mind and senses purified
Freed from desire

Vecchio 04-01-2019, 13:06   #315

Standing firm on this stony ground
The wind blows hard
Pulls these clothes around
I harbour all the same worries as most
The temptations to leave or to give up the ghost
I wrestle with an outlook on life
That shifts between darkness and shadowy light
I struggle with words for fear that they'll hear
But orpheus sleeps on his back still dead to the world
Vecchio 04-01-2019, 14:00   #316

I went to the bookstore the other day The counter girl was scratching at her hand She said she thought that it was itching because of all the cash that she'd been handling I said, "It could be that, or depending on where you've been It might also be bedbugs" And she looked at me with surprised and starstruck eyes She asked, "Are you like the real, like the actual, Mark Kozelek?" I said, "Yes, I am that man" She said, "Oh my god, I'm like a really, really big fan" Then she said, "We should totally go to Panera" I replied, "There's a Panera Bread in San Francisco?" She said, "No, there's not a Panera Bread in San Francisco Even if there was, I'd never meet you there anyhow" And someone said, "Actually there is a Panera Bread in San Francisco On Geary and Masonic" And she said, "Well, I was just kidding anyhow" And then suddenly there was an awkward silence At first, I thought she was the nicest Then suddenly she seemed cold as ISIS And this didn't sit well on my midlife crisis Then her boss came over and threw a wet blanket on the good vibes He said, "Sir, can I ask you, are you even planning to buy a book?" I said, "Well I was, but this store smells like an old barn full of old Amish musty quilts" He said, "That will be enough of that language, sir" I said, "Okay, but I came in here well-intentioned And that mean-spirited counter girl of yours totally hurt my feelings" He asked what had she done that I found so demeaning I said, "She engaged me and then for no reason at all, venomously stung me" He said, "You might be overanalyzing That you're exaggerating or bold-faced lying" I said, "No, I'm not dramatizing, fictionalizing, or even slightly modifying" He said, "I think your brain may need rewiring" I said, "I think the two of you are co-conspiring" Then they laughed and they looked down at their phones Then I walked out the door and was on my way home Then as I walked along the road, my mind hypothesizing What could have went so wrong in this liberal vegan bookstore Specializing in Charles Bukowski but doesn't carry the new Mike Tyson biography? Then a sort of happiness overcame me as I began realizing That for a connection I'll never stop trying Even if it results in my eyes crying When I stop caring is when I'm dead inside My heart was now reviving My lips were now a-smiling Then these words I began compiling And a melody started forming
Ringraziamenti da
berserk (05-01-2019), Odradek (04-01-2019)
Vecchio 05-01-2019, 16:58   #317
L'avatar di berserk

When illusion spin her net
I'm never where I want to be
And liberty she pirouette
When I think that I am free
Watched by empty silhouettes
Who close their eyes but still can see
No one taught them etiquette
I will show another me
Today I don't need a replacement
I'll tell them what the smile on my face meant

Peter Gabriel
Vecchio 09-01-2019, 20:40   #318
L'avatar di berserk

I should have known better
Nothing can be changed
The past is still the past
The bridge to nowhere
I should’ve wrote a letter
Explaining what I feel, that empty feeling

Sufjan Stevens
Vecchio 09-01-2019, 20:44   #319
L'avatar di Selenio

Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
Send my credentials to the House of Detention
I got some friends inside

The face in the mirror won't stop
The girl in the window won't drop
A feast of friends
"Alive!" she cried
Waitin' for me

Before I sink
Into the big sleep
I want to hear
I want to hear
The scream of the butterfly

Come back, baby
Back into my arm
We're gettin' tired of hangin' around
Waitin' around with our heads to the ground

I hear a very gentle sound
Very near yet very far
Very soft, yeah, very clear
Come today, come today

What have they done to the earth?
What have they done to our fair sister?
Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her
Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn
And tied her with fences and dragged her down

I hear a very gentle sound
With your ear down to the ground
We want the world and we want it...
We want the world and we want it...

Persian night, babe
See the light, babe
Save us!
Save us!

the doors-when the music's over
Ringraziamenti da
berserk (09-01-2019)
Vecchio 03-02-2019, 11:34   #320
L'avatar di berserk

People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down
Ringraziamenti da
E. Scrooge (03-02-2019)

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