avete mai fatto del break up sex?
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praticamente sarebbe il sesso che la coppia fa dopo che ci si eŽ giaŽ messi dŽaccordo di rompere. Insomma unŽultima bottarella per spassarsela. ATTENZIONE da non confondere con sesso con una ex.
su questo sito dicono le 10 circostanze quando funziona (scusate ma non ho proprio tempo di tradurre quindi spero parliate inglese)
"10 scenarios where break up sex works like a charm!
If you’re contemplating about having break up sex with your lover or an ex that you’ve broken up with a few days or weeks ago, take a look at these 10 scenarios where it’s acceptable to have break up sex. And if you find yourself in any of these 10 circumstances, it may not be such a bad idea to end it all with one final passionate goodbye!
#1 You want closure. Both of you have broken up a few days or weeks ago, but somehow, it just feels like it all happened so abruptly. Angry break ups can be hasty at times, and even if both of you acknowledge the fact that it’s over for good, there are times when it can feel like it all happened too fast.
If you’re ready to move on, but just need closure because your relationship feels like unfinished business, perhaps, it won’t be such a bad idea to meet up at your place for a last happy conversation and break up sex! [Read: Break up conversation tips – How to break up with someone you love without hurting them]
#2 The break up is mutual. You and your partner don’t see the relationship going anywhere, and have decided to call it quits on mutual understanding. There’s no hate or misery here. You may feel sad about breaking up, but you know there’s no other way to go. Both your lives may be heading in different directions or there may be nothing in common anymore, and it’s easier to just part ways than live in denial.
#3 You don’t want to stay friends. Both of you have decided to break up, but both of you still have feelings for each other. You may end up making out or having break up sex, because there’s so much love and hate in the air. If one of you still has feelings for the other person, you can have break up sex as long as both of you delete each other from your lives. After all, staying in touch with each other would just lead to an awkward friends-with-benefits relationship. [Read: 16 scenarios where you can and can’t be friends with an ex]
#4 The love has just faded away. You live together or meet up all the time. But both of you feel like good friends and not passionate lovers. You may love each other deeply, but there’s just no spark in the romance anymore. And one or both of you want more out of love, especially the passion and sexual excitement of a real romance. [Read: 15 reasons why most couples get bored with their relationship]
#5 Both of you have found other lovers. Both of you are dating each other, but are having emotional affairs or real affairs with other people *this is more common than you think!* But if only one of you are having an affair or you catch your partner cheating on you, your break up sex would just turn into a confusing love triangle because you’d still be in love with this person and would be using sex to get your ex back instead of getting over them! [Read: 18 signs you may be having an emotional affair and not even know it!]
#6 Long distance relationship breakup. Long distance relationships are very hard to hold on to. It needs a lot of effort, trust, assurances, and occasional meetings to keep it alive. But if a few weeks turn into several months or years, and there’s no surety that both of you would ever meet up again, it’s better to meet one final time, have break up sex and end the relationship for good instead of leading two separate lives that are full of bitterness and mistrust. [Read: The right way to make long distance relationships work for you]
#7 There’s no heartbreak. Both of you have drifted away and have different priorities in life, and as hard as both of you have tried to hold the relationship together, the relationship just seems to be inching closer to failure. If your relationship has reached the point where you and your partner don’t feel bad about separating, and instead are actually looking forward to a separation, break up sex may at least bring forth a few tender of moments of love before calling it quits. [Read: 12 reasons why most couples drift apart over time]
#8 You’re not emotionally manipulated into it. If you want to have break up sex, do it because you want to do it. Don’t let your lover manipulate you into it with their seductive charm. Break ups hurt, and it’s easy for those last hugs to turn to passionate kisses, which may turn into something a lot more sexual.
Break up sex won’t hurt you as long as you realize what you’re getting into, a final show of affection before the curtains go down. But if you aren’t ready for it, or if things happen too quickly, stop your partner and pause for a while to make up your mind first. [Read: 16 signs your ex wants you back in their lives]
#9 The circumstances are forcing both of you into a breakup. This happens all the time. You’re in a happy relationship, but external circumstances push both of you apart. It could be a job in another state or country, or some other life altering circumstance. And both of you understand that it’s easier to part ways than try to make the relationship work through the tough odds.
#10 It just happens. You don’t expect it and you don’t plan it, but one thing just leads to another. If you ever find yourself in a situation like this, don’t pull your hair out or hate yourself for it. Perhaps, it was just an emotional outburst that was welling up inside of you. But now that it’s over and you’ve had break up sex, just try to remember that the relationship’s over and the right thing to do is stay away from each other. [Read: 12 reasons why the no contact rule is the best way to get over an ex]
Should you have breakup sex one last time before saying goodbye?
If you think he or she is the one, you’ll feel really bad for letting them slip through your hands, and possibly into the hands of someone else. So if you do have break up sex, do it only if you’re completely ready to let go of them.
Most people misunderstand the idea of break up sex and use it to manipulate their lover into staying back in the relationship by begging them or pleading with them. But you have to remember that you can’t hold someone back or force them to love you if they choose not to. [Read: If you love someone, should you ever just let them go?]
Break up sex is a great way to say goodbye if you’re emotionally mature and see it for what it is, without any expectations from it. But if you see it any other way, break up sex may leave you feeling more miserable than ever! "
questo eŽ invece un altro sito, punto di vista maschile:
che poi dice anche di fare attenzione che puoi rischiare di metterla incinta percheŽ dicono che il seme maschile eŽ come se cambiasse per cercare di metterla incinta e tenere assieme la relazione

parlano di "last-chance copulation" che vabbe..
One's physical: Fisher says that there's some speculation among researchers that in so-called last-chance copulation, a man may unknowingly alter the levels of certain hormones in his semen, and that may trigger his partner to ovulate spontaneously. In other words, your subconscious tries to hold on to the commitment by potentially impregnating her, even though you don't want to.