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Vecchio 05-02-2006, 15:56   #1
L'avatar di JSWilliams1979


My name is James Williams. I am currently undertaking a PhD in Psychology at Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia. I am interested in some of the personality processes involved in social anxiety, and also in the demarcation of several different social anxiety subgroups. The study's findings are expected to have implications for improving the ways in which we can help people to overcome their anxiety.

I am just wondering if anyone was interested in participating in this study. I am looking for people who suffer from social anxiety and also those who do not. I am particularly interested in an international sample, hence my reason for posting on this messageboard. The study is entirely web based and can be found at

If anyone has any questions about the study, feel free to contact me – [email protected]

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Kind regards

James Williams
Vecchio 05-02-2006, 16:01   #2
L'avatar di nikkie

Hi James,

I will be pleased to help, I took a look at the site you wrote as soon as I have time I am going to do the survey. Googd luck withe the research you are doing!

Vecchio 05-02-2006, 16:20   #3
L'avatar di nikkie

James are you still there? I am doing the survey ........what does "wind down" mean??? question 9
Vecchio 05-02-2006, 16:52   #4
L'avatar di lucky-day

Hi JSWillams,it's a very interesting project whom you're studying for....I hope it would be helpful for all the people who need a hand for their problems of social anxiety,I'm sure you'll find a lot of've found the right place to promote your initiative,we are a lot of people registred on this forum...
Vecchio 06-02-2006, 01:01   #5
L'avatar di gg84wendy

....vengo dal linguistico,era proprio il colmo se non fossi riuscita a scrivere almeno queste tre righe...
Vecchio 06-02-2006, 17:16   #6
L'avatar di Cenzo

io devo dare un'esame di inglese e devo riuscire a parlarci:P

Ciao, sono molto interessato al tuo lavoro e credo che faro un saltino a vedere il tuo sito.

hello, i'm very interested to your work and I think to see your web site.

Speriamo vada bene...
Vecchio 06-02-2006, 18:36   #7
L'avatar di gg84wendy

...sei all'universita'Cenzo?....

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